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Re: Introducing Stu

Message 00046 of 3835


>Are you sure that was a "former" lifetime??? ;-)  

Maybe it was a future lifetime.

>I'm secretly (oops .
. . I guess it's not a secret any more) hoping that your jester-within
>will accept the official position of BardonPraxis-jester. I think this
>would be a good positive-mirror manifestation for you since a jester, by
>nature, must mix a sharp intellect, a compassionate heart and divine
>humor; all of which are qualities I know you possess!  

I'm off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz. Do I get a diploma too?

>AND . . . you'd
>get to wear the official BardonPraxis funny-hat!

The whole thing sounded like a bad deal until that last sentence. Funny-hat, 
*that* I cannot resist.

The worst part, I guess, is the "divine humour". I prefer devilish humour :->>> 
On the other hand, that kind of thing tends to shortens the jester's career 
(and neck). The killing sting of the jest kills the jester, too. Can't afford 
that... Okay, divine humour is still humour, I guess.

Come to think of it, I guess I HAVE divine humour, [shameless flattery] since 
it makes King Rawn laugh. That is, unless he also has a bit of the devilin 

>>> Propably will be thrown out before being "thrown in"...
>;-) The trick/challenge will be to make all of your jesting

If music be the food of love, bard on.

>>> I tend to get stuck in this phase, maybe because it is so important
>for me. <<
>Perhaps it's time to unleash the jester upon yourself?

You mean on King Stew, instead of others? Yes, perhaps it's time for that. 

Stew & St2

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