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Re: Intro

Message 00040 of 3835

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Martin <martincosgrove@...> 
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 8:26 PM
Subject: [BardonPraxis] Re: Intro

> >> I am curious as to what are peoples motivations for pursuing the
> Hermetic path? I know my reason but am wondering what other peoples
> reasons are. <<
I think I have several reasons why I choose this path. One of them is to 
conquer suffering... I am a very complicated and neurotic human being :-). And 
this fact led me to several paths on how to understand why I suffer andhow to 
solve it. I just want to evolve and get rid of this suffering... even i have to 
go through more suffering to get there.
Then is there is my ambition... by nature I am an ambitious person ( maybe one 
of my causes of suffering ) and I am instantly attracted to anything that coulb 
be known as the HIGHER POWERS. I know this is going to eventually bite me in 
the ass but I can´t help to pursue the best path. I just hope that the path 
will help me trascend this ambition and take me to a more humble and 
fullfilling ground. 
And last but not least... I am attracted to the occult things, the magical and 
mysterious thing are like a magnet to me.
Anybody feels identified??

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