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Message 00056 of 3835

Dear everybody!

Do all of you realize how "lucky" you are? From the few intros I read, it 
seems to me, that I am one of the oldest, if not *the* oldest subscriber. 
Most of you seem to be between 20 and 40 years old, and you are already on 
The Path! I sure wished I would have been ready at that age also. But then 
again, the age in *this* lifetime is really rather irrelevant.

Now here is my first problem, for which I'd hope to get some answers from the 
I understand, that colors and their use and the understanding there of are an 
important part of understanding Hermetism and the Kabbalah.
I'm a very visual person and it's easy for me to picture any color anywhere. 
However, I can't get it straight where on a human body which color is 
supposed to be.

On that first Tarot card, the head of the woman is red, the head of the man 
is blue, their genitals are the opposite. Now for that picture, red stands 
for electric, blue for magnetic. Above the magician, out of the lotus are 
coming forth the four elements, shown in the colors yellow for earth, 
greenish for water, red for fire and blue for air.

Then on page 33 of the IIH Barton divides the body into 3 fundamental 
concepts: head to fire, abdomen to water, chest to air. Makes a lot of 
sense, of course, except that now every human's head would be colored red and 
the abdomen green.

Now on page 38 the occult anatomy of the body is described: Front and left 
side of head = electric, therefor red, back and right side = magnetic, 
therefor blue. The ears fit on "correctly", but now the heads are all two 
The same with other parts of the body, like the abdomen. Parts are 
electric=red, parts are magnetic=blue.
The fiery element produces the electrical fluid in the body (red), the watery 
element the magnetic fluid - now is it blue or green?
Somehow I think I'm missing something, probably something very obvious. But 
I feel stuck right now, not understanding my very own microcosm at all. Can 
somebody help unravel the color knots in my head and set me straight?
Hey now! don't laugh about me!!! :-{}

I'm wishing all of you a great start into the New Year and hope to get some 
good explanations for my self invented mystery! 


In a message dated 12/28/02 12:42:04 PM, rawnclark@... writes:

<< Dear Alexandra,

Welcome to BardonPraxis! :)

>>I'm just in the beginning, but am finding myself already somewhat
confused. I hope that this group will help me along in my
understanding. <<

In the "Files" section of the BardonPraxis webpage ( ) I have posted a .PDF
version of my own practical commentary upon IIH which may be helpful to

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
28 Dec 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: <Watauga5@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: Welcome to BardonPraxis

Dear Rawn,

Thank you for letting me join your internet BardonPraxis group.
I am at a loss as to how to introduce myself in a few words.
It may be suffice to say, that many, many years ago I took a book of my
bookshelf, started to read it, just to see what she was in to. I had to
up very quickly, this book was way out of my capability to comprehend.
book's name was/is: Der Weg zum Wahren Adepten.
I now wished I'd have recognized back then, that this was the right path
me. Actually, occasionally over the next few decades, I had flashes
this title, but never followed up on it. It took a major tragedy in my
to finally come back to what I could have had for so long. I read the
Kybalion and a couple other books by the Initiates and Ramacharaka, and
myself wanting to study the Kabbalah. This turned out to be a rather
discouraging task, since most books are way too confusing to the
To make this long (no matter how I turn it) story short, I ended up
buying t
he book: Der Schluessel zur Wahren Kabbalah. It didn't take me long to
realize, that this is the 3. book in the series. I searched the
internet and
found Merkur Publishing, and found to my delight, that they have all of
Bardon's books in English translations and ordered them. I now started
reading the Initiation into Hermetics, the book I so long ago took out
of the
I'm just in the beginning, but am finding myself already somewhat
I hope that this group will help me along in my understanding.



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