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Re: Colors

Message 00057 of 3835

Dear Alexandra,

>> Do all of you realize how "lucky" you are? From the few intros I
read, it seems to me, that I am one of the oldest, if not *the* oldest
subscriber. Most of you seem to be between 20 and 40 years old, and you
are already on The Path! I sure wished I would have been ready at that
age also. But then again, the age in *this* lifetime is really rather
irrelevant. <<

On my website I have the "Bardon Questionnaire" and one of its questions
is about age. I find these results fascinating!

10-20 yrs. = 39
21-30 yrs. = 110
31-40 yrs. = 68
41-50 yrs. = 36
51-60 yrs. = 16
61-70 yrs. = 3

>> Now here is my first problem, for which I'd hope to get some answers
from the group. I understand, that colors and their use and the
understanding there of are an important part of understanding Hermetism
and the Kabbalah. I'm a very visual person and it's easy for me to
picture any color anywhere. However, I can't get it straight where on a
human body which color is supposed to be. <<

These colors *symbolize* the Fluids and Elements -- they are not the
Fluids and Elements themselves. Working with just the colors alone
therefore, is ineffectual.

>> On that first Tarot card, the head of the woman is red, the head of
the man is blue, their genitals are the opposite. Now for that
picture, red stands for electric, blue for magnetic. Above the
magician, out of the lotus are coming forth the four elements, shown in
the colors yellow for earth, greenish for water, red for fire and blue
for air.
Then on page 33 of the IIH Barton divides the body into 3 fundamental
concepts: head to fire, abdomen to water, chest to air. Makes a lot of
sense, of course, except that now every human's head would be colored
red and
the abdomen green.
Now on page 38 the occult anatomy of the body is described: Front and
side of head = electric, therefor red, back and right side = magnetic,
therefor blue. The ears fit on "correctly", but now the heads are all
The same with other parts of the body, like the abdomen. Parts are
electric=red, parts are magnetic=blue.
The fiery element produces the electrical fluid in the body (red), the
element the magnetic fluid - now is it blue or green? <<

You are mixing apples with oranges, Fluids with Elements, astral body
with physical body, etc. ;-)

The Element Water *contains* the Magnetic Fluid but is not the Magnetic
Fluid. Or rather, it is the Magnetic Fluid expressed at a more complex
level of density. Thus it displays somewhat different characteristics
than the raw Fluid. I think Bardon chose the color green to represent
the Water Element in order to distinguish between its characteristics
and those of the blue Magnetic Fluid. Furthermore, green is the
chromatic opposite of red and this accurately depicts the opposition of
the Elements Fire and Water. The Fluids however,do not share the same
sort of opposition as the Elements.

In my own practice, I do not use Bardon's color correspondences for the
Elements. I use: Fire=bright red, Air=yellow, Water=cyan blue, and
Earth=dark olive green or brown or black. In relation to these
Elemental colors, I find that the Electric Fluid=blood red and the
Magnetic Fluid=true blue.

Since the colors are *symbolic* they are, to a great degree, subjective
and thus, they vary from individual to individual. For example, when
you think of 'red' it is, invariably, a somewhat different shade of red
than what I automatically think of, yet both could be classified as

For now, don't worry about the Fluids and the "occult anatomy". The
most important thing for now would be the "Elemental regions" since they
pertain to all three of your bodies: physical, astral and mental. With
the physical body, the Fire region is the neck and head; the Air region
is from the shoulders down to the diaphragm, including the upper arms
down to the elbow; the Water region is from the diaphragm down to the
pelvis (i.e., the abdominal cavity), including the forearms from elbows
to wrists; and the Earth region (not mentioned on page 33, but mentioned
later on) is from the pelvis down to the soles of the feet, including
the genetalia and the hands.

This division into four regions has many practical applications in the
beginning work of IIH; whereas, the "occult anatomy" of the Fluids does

I think you might benefit from the audio lessons in the "Self-Healing
Archaeous" posted on my website. The first three Lessons in this series
concern the complete awareness and integration of the three bodies and
employ the four Elemental regions as a basic, experiential structure.
You can download them at: or order them in
audio-CD format at:

>> Somehow I think I'm missing something, probably something very
obvious. But I feel stuck right now, not understanding my very own
microcosm at all. Can somebody help unravel the color knots in my head
and set me straight? Hey now! don't laugh about me!!! :-{}<<

I'm not laughing. :) The answer to your quandary is NOT something
"very obvious", so don't feel embarrassed!

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
31 Dec 2002


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