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Franz Bardon Web Ring???

Message 00060 of 3835

Dear Friends,

Right after founding the BardonPraxis group I submitted the site for
listing with the "Franz Bardon Web Ring". I received the immediate
automated reply acknowledging my submission but have not heard anything
from the Ring Master by way of accepting the submission. So today, I
wrote an email directly to fbfriend@... (the Ring Master) to
inquire, however that email was returned as "unknown". I notice on the
Web Ring homepage that there's been no management activity since August
of 2002, so I'm wondering if there is still an active Ring Master for
this Web Ring. I'm hoping one of you will know and help me out. Or if
"fbfriend" is still out there with a different email address, please
contact me directly.

Thanks! :)

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
31 Dec 2002


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