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A couple of questions more :)

Message 00077 of 3835

Thanks for the reply! the "Self-Healing Archaeous" seems a very 
usefull rescourse :)

> Regardless of what the Merkur editor suggests, these four items 
were NOT
> meant to be (sequential) requirements. They were only suggestions,
> meant to spur your own imagination.
It seems very easy to read too deeply into IIH exercises and over 
complicate them; I think it would be a usefull practice if 
individuals upon completing each step (esp. the early ones) wrote a 
list of problems they had to overcome and the solutions they found. 
This would allow ppl still stuck on the step to gain a wider 
perspective, and maybe gain some confidence and insight. Any1 want to 
comment on this idea?

Seeing as my last questions gained me such usefull answers, i'd like 
to pose another 2 if you'll indulge me :)

1) In the one-pointedness exercise is it recomended to stick with one 
subject from session to session, or to pick a different one each 
time? I found it easier to use some than others, but I wonder if just 
picking subjects i'm drawn to will make later excersises more 
difficult? Also in this exercise, is it satisfactory to retain a 
single thought for 10 minutes if other thoughts are dimly experienced 
from time to time (though you do not lose the focussed on thought). I 
mean if a car goes by and makes a noise, I may not get an image of a 
car or any strong reaction, but a small part of my focus will briefly 
`look` in that direction if you know what i'm saying!? Is this a 
digression? How perfect does the exercise at this level have to be?

2) This year i'm likely to be swamped with study. Would you consider 
it acceptable to practice for an hour once/day instead of twice? Am I 
likely to make progress in this manner? ... some days i'll be able to 
practice more, but uni has to come first this year.

Thanks for the suggestions,


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