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RE: Dancing images!

Message 00088 of 3835

Hello Jason,

I have and still do have the same thing happen from time to time. The
trick, I've learned, is to detach from what it does and stop trying to bend
it to your will by force. Instead, coerce it gently to do what you desire.
It's a subtle difference, but once learned, is quite effective. It's not
always easy, as I still have trouble with it sometimes, too. Remember that
a relaxed mind is key here. Oh, and stay focused on what you want your
object to do, not on what you DON'T want it to do. That's a BIG difference!

Good luck!

-=^=- GregM -=^=-
aka Greg M.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Paris <jambay53@...> [mailto:jambay53@...]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 3:40 PM
Subject: [BardonPraxis] Dancing images!

Hi all,

I'm seeking a little advice.........

When performing the Step 2 eyes-closed visualisations, my chosen
object *refuses* - in flagrant disrespect of my threats, curses and
implorings! ;-) - to remain *still*!

My object spins, jumps, dances, mutates...... and does everything but
*sit still*! (Curiously, this doesn't happen when the same exercise
is performed with eyes open.)

For the 18 months or so that I've been working through IIH, this has
been a continual challenge.

Has anyone else had a comparable experience, and able to offer

All the best folks,


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