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Re: Re: Dancing images!

Message 00092 of 3835

Dear Jason,

I get the impression from your descriptions that *you* are not in
control of these visualizations and this concerns me somewhat. The idea
here is that *you* create these visualizations by an act of will. These
are not something that should "come to you", they are things that *you*
create. As such, *you* are the one to determine whether or not they
move or stand still. At no point should you be in the position of
having to fight to control them. It's important that the images a
magician creates remain within their control at all times.

My suggestions are as follows:

#1) If your visualization takes on a will of its own, dismiss it
immediately and start over with re-creating a willed image.

#2) Since this doesn't occur when you work with your eyes open (an
indication that you are more focused and willful when your eyes are
open), try starting with your eyes open and then take that stable image
into your closed eyes.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
03 Jan 2003


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