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Re: Peter;s Introduction

Message 00096 of 3835

Dear Jeni,

Yes, that's pretty much the idea that Lao Zi, more commonly known as 
Lao Tsu, within the Dao De Jing that he is said to have written. The 
Dao, is something that is incomprehensible. If it is named, then that 
is not it. It is sometimes considered within Daoist cosmology to be 
the "creative spark" that came before the state of wuji, chaos, the 
undiferentiated ultimate, and continues to help sustain existence as 
a web of interconnectivity between all things. 

In this respect, the Dao, if represented upon the tree of life, would 
be that which came before kether in one form, and the whole of the 
tree, the paths and gates in particulate, in another form.

Though, in trying to pin something down in this manner one excludes 
numerous other interpritations at the very same time.

For those of you wishing to see a visual representation of what I was 
talking about should go to John Painter's site here: The diagram at the 
bottom is the one that I am refering to. Which is also one of the 
earliest renditions of the Taiji symbol. In which case, a certian 
visual similarity with the tree of life comes to into play as well.

Live well,
Peter Reist

--- In, "Jennifer Jones" 
<jennifer_jones@s...> wrote:
> Peter, Welcome:
> I like your statements about the "true Dao." What I hear you 
saying is It's
> kind of like, if you think you know God then you don't, because 
you are
> thinking?
> (I live in Ottawa, neighbour)
> Jeni
> -----


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