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Soul Mirrors and the Elements - FIRE

Message 00260 of 3835

Greetings all,

I have studied the Elements intensively, but through another system, so I would like to post my understandings here, to see how well they align with Hermetic philosophy. These notes address each element and its characteristics, and show or imply how these characteristics then reflect in human traits. I thought it might help some of us discern which element to attribute to a particular trait on our Soul Mirrors.

I will post each element separately. (My primary source for this information came from a little booklet put out by the Church of Seven Arrows, many years ago.) Here then, are my thoughts regarding FIRE:

I associate any Energy with Elemental Fire. Fire is also associated with Will and Volition. In Hermetic practice, the Will & the Emotions are quite different: the Will being an expression of the Spirit's Life-Energies, rather than a matter of one's sensations (feelings or emotions). Examples of expressions of the Will are enthusiasm, confidence, assertiveness, and (on the negative side) frustration (as blocked will) & anger. (Happiness, serenity, depression, & sadness belong to emotions, hence, Water.) Associated with Will are wants & desires, which refer to the future (not yet manifested but likely to become expectations to be achieved as time passes).

Fire is non-mutable. We take kinetic energy from water in a power-dam and convert it to electrical energy; then we convert it again to light and heat; yet, at each step in the process, it is still Fire. One's Will may begin as Life-energy, then manifest as enthusiasm, which can transmute to anger, or to frustration, or to nervous tension; yet, in any of these states, it is still Life-Energy.

Fire is the Motivator. Without Fire/energy, nothing moves! Without some application of willpower, we don't move! It is the effect of Fire that excites the wind and whips the trees around; it is Earth, or endurance, that enables the trees to still be there afterwards. It is one's Will that produces action; it is one's unshakable Beingness that allows one to continue existence regardless of the activity-level.

Fire energy radiates. Life-energy insists on some form of action. (We call it boredom & frustration when it's blocked from motion of some kind.) The use of carriers is for direction or focus - flow in place of the scatter-effect of radiation. If one's Will is not directed or mediated by the intellect (Air), it tends to be scattered as well.

There are other Fire Characteristics, but these seemed to me to relate the best to human traits. Can you think of any other Fire Characteristics which would relate to us?


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