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Re: Starting with IIH

Message 00273 of 3835

Dear YaGi,

>> Could you explain with more details what do you mean by "... and only the 
>> important bits fully manifest." ? <<

Basically what you described -- just the beginning of a thought arises. When 
you don't participate in them, thoughts lose their personalized extensions. For 
example, the thought arises that you forgot to return that book to Joan. 
Normally that thought will extend into thoughts about Joan, the reasons why you 
haven't returned it yet, how you feel about having forgotten to return it, etc. 
But when you don't participate in the original thought, these extensions don't 
occur and all you perceive is the important part of the thought; namely, that 
you've forgotten to return that book. 

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
22 Jan 2003

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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