Hi Rawn,
Thank you for clarifying!
The relationship between your character traits and the Elements cannot be perceived with the rational intellect alone. This is why Bardon suggests that the student meditate deeply upon each of the Elements and upon the character traits. Meditation taps into *more than* just the rational intellect and reveals an understanding of the Elements unattainable by just thinking.
I suggest that you apply the Step One mental techniques of one-pointedness and emptiness of mind meditation to delve deeper into the Elements instead of focusing just upon lists of character trait and Element associations.
>> That said, I *think* the strong emotions full of energy belong to Fire because of the projective or electrical energy they contain. <snip> Feelings like shyness are felt inwardly - drawn there magnetically IMO, and so belong to Water and emotions. <<
In general, you've got the right idea. The problem though, is that the items you've listed are the *results of* character traits. Anger, for example, is a Fiery *symptom* or *effect*, it is not a *root trait*. With the Soul Mirror work, you must find the root itself. The root of anger *might* be Fiery in nature but it can also be Airy or Watery or Earthy. This is why I say that these broad terms *must* be broken down situationally and examined until you've recognized their root cause.
The Elemental attribution of your own character traits is a VERY personal matter, so lists of correspondences only serve a limited usefulness in this regard. What exists as a Fiery trait for one person may well be Watery for you, so even if you do find your trait in a list, you must still examine it and decide *for yourself* which Element it truly belongs to for *you*.