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Thought Observation...again!

Message 00291 of 3835

Recently, i've noticed that my thoughts seem to have lost the vocal 
and pictorial aspect, and i didn't hear or see anything in my mind. 
I simply "know" the thoughts and "know" the meanings.

Am i doin it right?

I also realise that whenever i observe a thought, that thought seems 
to lose energy and "control" over my actions, therefore whenever i am 
in an extremely boring lecture, i would simply observe any thoughts 
of boredom...and whoola! I don't feel boring at all, and time passes 
by so quickly that i did not even realise it.

Its easy to observe my desires and whims, and now i can meditate or 
train without any sense of boredom at all!

However...i wonder if i am doin the thought-observation exercise 
correctly in the first place.


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