Dear Vovin, <<my mind started feeling generally more organized already during the initial practice of thought control>> Lucky you :-) My mind is not really more organized at this stage of step 1 :-) but I sometimes feel something odd ...again, in direct relationship with concentration: it now happens, that when I start thinking intensely of something, or even more when I discuss with somebody, that my lateral vision seems to fade away and the person in front of me (if any) gains in colors and in relief so to speak ...but I'm not sure it's physical. Even more impressive for (to ?) me, I have the feeling of being part of / being embedded in a large magnetic field starting behind me, going through me and through the person I'm taking to. And I have the feeling of a binding-along-lines somewhere. And the concentration increases along with the focusing. Mental dolby :-) I started feeling this when I was a child, and I got the habit of dissmissing it ("feeling weird again, not appropriate, scary, blahblah"). I continue to do so quite mechanically: this is still a distinct symptom of "feeling weird". And of "not appropriate". To the point that I stop concentrating when the thing occurs. Yo-yo. Any idea ? Just a malaise (blood pressure decreasing, problem with the eyes, as I'm subject to "ophtalmic migraines" etc.) ...or something useful ? I must say that I used conscious breathing and water impregnation to improve my concentration. Sorry if the answer is mentionned in a subsequent chapter of IIH: I got too depressed reading the future exercises when I was not even able to achieve VOM. For me, the solution is one step at a time :-) Thanks. NB