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Re: gray hair, acne, fire element

Message 00704 of 3835

Dear TMN,

Many thanks for your answer. I guess I can use this
system although it is in step 3, as it is a "release"
technique and not an technique of accumulation.

<< PS may be rowan is right are you simply are
frowning to much -lol >>

Indeed :-) 
And I must confess I sometimes witnesse lots of
tensions: at the level of the eyebrows, of the chin
etc.; releasing those tensions helps temporarily, but
I feel that energy is still in place, waiting to be
"drained", evacuated or used. 
So it's a sort of chicken-and-egg situation: what
provokes what ?
The tricks mentionned in my post to Dustovshio do
help, but I still have tensions I'd like to get rid of
(or get explanations for). Like as-if a 3-4
centimer-large coin was strongly pressed against my
forehead e.g. (especially during meditations ...but
not only); the "awaking-third-eye-chakra" explanation
is a funny one, but does not compensate 10 years of
Same, but a lot larger and a bit less painful, for the
so-called "crown chakra" location. Maybe I also have
smoke getting released also, like the other comrade
had from his hands, and I have a chimney I never
noticed :-)

So I'll try this "step 3" release technique.

Many thanks again.

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