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Re: Introspection and elements

Message 00755 of 3835

Dear Amater_8,

Hot and Cold do indeed speak of activity and rest, positive and
negative, but your association of Wet and Dry with motion and stillness
is really no different than the active/passive polarity. In other
words, you're just renaming the same concepts.

Here's another way of looking at the polarity of 'wet' and 'dry' which
may serve to deepen your meditation on the subject:

A 'wet' thing is full of moisture. A 'dry' thing holds no moisture. A
'wet' thing is not capable of absorption; instead, it expresses
moisture.. A 'dry' thing IS capable of absorption and is in fact,
"thirsty". In other words, 'dry' consumes moisture. Fire, which is
both 'hot' and 'dry' is therefore actively consuming. Whereas, Water,
which is both 'wet' and 'cold' is passively giving. Earth, which is
'cold' and 'dry', is passively consuming; and Air, which is 'hot' and
'wet', is actively giving.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
07 May 2003


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