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Re: a new member/Re

Message 00824 of 3835

En réponse à Rawn Clark <rawnclark@...>:

> Dear Rawn,
> <"Welcome to BardonPraxis! " <
> > Thank you,i'm very glad.
> >>"The planetary spheres represent differing degrees of density, not
> 'locations' The planetary spheres really have nothing to do with the physical
> planets.For example, if you were to travel physically to the moon,you
>would not be traveling to closer proximity of the "moon zone"...>>"
> ok, now i understand,because in diagrams i had seen,i dont remember had 
>heard something about the plane's "location"(in the esoteric sense of the 
> Well,a little info, maybe you know this scientist: Dr Masaru Emoto (Japaneese 
> of 
>He mades experiences on water ,his two books "Messages from water1 &2" both 
>best sellers.
> i'm sure you will find it interesting look at " "or ""
>this is the results of (very serious) tests on water ,he put words on a little 
>of water and then took a photo of this cristalise drop and it result that 
>water have 
>a memory .It's/ she's ,in fact alive(interesting for step 1 of IIH and all 
>uses of 
water steps 7&8 ,fluids maybe?)
> Now he's depoluting a river with prays (!)as he ever done in Japan with 
Shintoists priests, that's a very open minded scientist! maybe he never heard 
about Descartes !(lol)
>On spiritofmaat this is what he says:
>"In one of our experiments, we had some water on a table, and 17 participants 
>all stood in a circle around a table holding hands. Then each of the 
>spoke a beautiful word of their choice to the water. Words like unity, love, 
>friendship. We took before-and-after shots and were able to obtain some 
>beautiful crystalline structures as a result of this. I have some slides that 
>I will be 
>showing of these crystals in my upcoming European tour. "
>we just have to know that a strike water loose all her "memory" doing this is 
>to do "reset"
> just take a look, it's worth a visit! but these websites are not realy made 
> to 
>practise these things, it's more a scientist document .(i must say that 
>water are wonderful ). 
> "Cogito ergo sum " 
>bless be 
> Hervé


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