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Re: addictive to exercices

Message 00828 of 3835

This fresh news item may be of interest to you:-

Buddhists Hold Key To Happiness 

Buddhists really are happy, calm and serene people - at least according
to their brain scans. Using latest scanning techniques, neuroscientists
have discovered that certain areas of the brain light up constantly in
Buddhists, and not just when they are meditating, which indicates
positive emotions and good mood. 

"We can now hypothesise with some confidence that those apparently
happy, calm Buddhist souls one regularly comes across in places such as
Dharamsala, India, really are happy," Professor Owen Flanagan, of Duke
University in North Carolina, said. Dharamsala is the home base of
exiled Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama. 

The scanning studies by scientists at the University of Wisconsin at
Madison showed activity in the left prefrontal lobes of experienced
Buddhist practitioners. The area is linked to positive emotions,
self-control and temperament. 

Other research by Paul Ekman, of the University of California San
Francisco Medical Centre, suggests that meditation and mindfulness can
tame the amygdala, an area of the brain which is the hub of fear memory.
Ekman discovered that experienced Buddhists were less likely to be
shocked, flustered, surprised or as angry as other people. 

Flanagan believes that if the findings of the studies can be confirmed
they could be of major importance. "The most reasonable hypothesis is
that there is something about conscientious Buddhist practice that
results in the kind of happiness we all seek," Flanagan said in a report
in New Scientist magazine.

John W.

kocur_herve wrote:
> Dear Rawn,
> do you think that someone could become addictive(as a drug) to
> Bardon's exercices?
> i knew people who had to ran every days 1hour to feel good! the
> hormon dopamin
> make you feel in peace & in joy ,it come after 20 min of a physical
> exercice, & in the little book of Sogyal Rinpoche "meditation"
> he says that we could become addictive to this state of being/mind
> in a fraternal way
> hervé
> cher Rawn,
> Penses tu que l'on puisse devenir dependant(comme une drogue)au
> exercices de Bardon?
> j'ai conn des gens qui devaient courrir une heure par jour pour se
> esntir bien!
> la dopamine vous fais vous sentir joyeux et en paix,ca arrive apres
> 20 min d'exercices physiques,& dans le petit livre de Sogyal
> Rinpoche"meditation" il dit que l'on peut devenir dependant de cet
> etat d'etre/d'esprit
> fraternellement Hervé


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