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Re: pore breathing

Message 01011 of 3835

I am not here asking a question to which I require an answer,
but am interested in people shareing personal experiences from 
practicing pore breathing. In my own case I am finding 
that my breathing gets very slow, maybe two or one
breaths per minute. On the inbreath while sucking in 
the vital energy I'm finding that it (the vital energy) seems to 
gravitate to a position around the navel, and accumulates
to form quite a large ball of what feels like liquid quicksilver
and which feels very cold and refreshing. The slower the
breathing the more the accumulation, and the ball 
becomes particularly intense during the gap between 
inbreaths and outbreaths. While breathing out, this 
cool energy automatically (and at what seems like the speed
of light) moves up to the brain cavity and fills the
whole of the inside of the head and an inch or so 
outside of the head. I'm also aware that this energy
seems to flow out of the eyes, but only if the eyes are
open ( I think). It seems that if the eyes are not being used
for looking that these orifices have their gates closed.
I'm also finding that after a few minutes of pore breathing
I can guide the vital energy down to the base chakra then up
the spine to the top of the head then back down to the navel.

I'm interested to hear how others experience the pore breathing,
and also the exercises accumulating the elements.

with all good wishes


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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