Dear Peter, >> I tried to look at your "Permutations of the Tree: Book 231" some time ago and couldn't make heads or tails of what it all meant. Maybe it's about time I took a look at that work again.<< I bet it will make a bit more sense to you now. Keep in mind that it involves the 8T work and the 32 Paths of Wisdom work. The "work" begins with the 231 Gates of Yetziratic Redemption or Initiation. >> With the Kabbalistic work one has to look for the essential meaning of each of the spheres and paths, then try to figure out the colour symbolism and work on condensing that essential meaning through colour. << There's sort of an alternative approach to the one you describe which I'd like to share with you. Once you get used to the whole direct perception of essential meaning thing, try pronouncing one of the Letters mentally (that means as a consonant, focusing upon the shape of the mouth and the positioning of the tongue). Keep in mind the corresponding color that Bardon listed and the *speaking of the Letter* will cause an eruption of The Right Color. Essentially, you will be directly perceiving the essential meaning of the *mentally spoken* Letter -- as color. >> It is a long process that has to be taken step by step, but it does seem to work quite well. At the present moment whenever I feel an imbalance I work through the pattern on the trestleboard, with each statement condensing down the colour within the mental body (I've been working heavily with the Gra tree). Which in turn seems to help rectify most imbalances. At least for a little while. With each repitition it seems to work out more imbalances for a longer period of time. << Excellent! :) >> Now, what you're saying is that the preparatory work within KTQ works with the condensing down of the various letters/paths within the three bodies. Therefore essentially transforming the three bodies into the tree of life, and hence, a conscious living and breathing expression of the Divine. << Yes. Take for example, just the very first exercise of the Fire Pole in which you are condensing the color of each Letter, first in the universe, then in the whole body, inductively and deductively. This is the very first transformation in which your body acclimates to an accumulation of the colors and in which it becomes second nature for the colors to condense in the universe in exact synchrony with your mentally speaking their Letters. In other words, you speak the 'A' and immediately the universe is filled with the light-blue Light or your body is filled. The exercises of repeatedly accumulating and condensing the colored Lights change you. But this is only the very fist step in the transformative changes that ultimately end in *becoming* the Tree. My best to you, :) Rawn Clark 29 Jun 2003 rawnclark@... rawn@...