Dear Rawn, >>>There's sort of an alternative approach to the one you describe which I'd like to share with you. Once you get used to the whole direct perception of essential meaning thing, try pronouncing one of the Letters mentally (that means as a consonant, focusing upon the shape of the mouth and the positioning of the tongue). Keep in mind the corresponding color that Bardon listed and the *speaking of the Letter* will cause an eruption of The Right Color. Essentially, you will be directly perceiving the essential meaning of the *mentally spoken* Letter -- as color.<<< I'll have to try that. Though I do believe that I'll have to experiment a lot more with the actual shape of the mouth as I can't seem to pronounce each consonant individually. What about pronouncing the vowels though? Though, just from playing around with this approach in the pauses while writing this out I can see it certianly does work. >>>Yes. Take for example, just the very first exercise of the Fire Pole in which you are condensing the color of each Letter, first in the universe, then in the whole body, inductively and deductively. This is the very first transformation in which your body acclimates to an accumulation of the colors and in which it becomes second nature for the colors to condense in the universe in exact synchrony with your mentally speaking their Letters. In other words, you speak the 'A' and immediately the universe is filled with the light-blue Light or your body is filled. The exercises of repeatedly accumulating and condensing the colored Lights change you.<<< Now, how does this work relate to that which you just put forth? In the accumulation of the light? But one is able to percieve the right colour...then should one be able to work with the colours/letters in a condensation. Or should one wait until I've finished step eight? Love and Live well, Peter Reist