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Re: (unknown)

Message 01060 of 3835

Dear Sergio,

>> but however that sensation of black with immense color variations
(with white points as if they were stars) it continues there. I have
some concentration problems and I am having difficultys in this
exercise. I would like if possible some orientaãion/help if there is
some method to get to empty the mind. <<

The simplest solution is to *ignore* this visual image. But first,
before ignoring something like this that severely interrupts you
concentration, it's wise to investigate it as thoroughly as possible. I
suggest that you enter into your normal exercise and when you begin to
perceive the blackness with pinpoints of light, let go of trying to
maintain an empty mind. Instead of emptiness of mind, focus your mind
upon this blackness and find out from it what you can find out. Explore
it and familiarize yourself with it.

This will disempower its ability to distract you since it will no longer
be a mystery and will no longer hold an alluring unknown.

Then, the next time you perform the emptiness of mind exercise, if the
blackness with pinpoints of light again distracts you, practice ignoring
it. Just let it be, like in the first, observation exercise, and ignore
it. If it again grows into too big a distraction from an empty mind,
then halt your exercise and start over again.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
07 Jul 2003


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