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Re: Help for newbie on breathing

Message 01181 of 3835

Dear Uthlagus,

>> Can you please advise me on this problem? I am practising every
morning the exercise described on p74-75 of IIH, conscious breathing,
where one impregnates the air one breathes with a strong wish. I
increase this daily by one breath. Somewhere I was advised (I think on
the other site, but I can't get on today as it is overloaded) to
increase until I was doing half an hour a morning. Is this right, or
should I just do ten minutes? If the former, I need to get up earlier!

On page 75 (Merkur edition), the last two sentences of Bardon's
instructions concerning the "Mystery of Breathing" state:

"When you practice these breathing exercises, do not exceed thirty
minutes. Later, ten minutes in the morning and ten in the evening
should suffice."

In other words, your practice gets quicker over time, even though you
are increasing the number of breaths.

The factor that changes with practice, is the speed of your impregnation
and visualization. So, while it might take as much as 30 minutes in the
beginning to take in 7 breaths of carefully impregnated air and
visualize each one circulating throughout your body and having its
intended effect, after a few weeks of practice, it would likely take
only 10 minutes to inhale, for example, 20 breaths of thoroughly
impregnated air.

Bardon didn't mean that you should increase your magical inhalations
until you fill 30 minutes straight with hundreds of inhalations. It's
the *quality* that's important here, not the specific quantity or number
of inhalations. At first it takes more time to achieve the proper

Perhaps this excerpt from my "Commentary Upon IIH" will help clarify:

"With practice, the building of the idea and the circulation of it
throughout the body, can be accomplished in a nanosecond. The trick to
learning the exercises without altering the breathing cycle is to
disassociate the ideation from the breath. For example, establish your
normal, comfortable breathing rhythm and breathe normally as you build
up the idea in the air surrounding you. Then, when the idea is well
established, inhale a normal breath of the impregnated air. Do not hold
your breath at this point, but instead resume your normal breathing
while holding the idea in your body and circulating it. Let your exhale
be just of air and not of your idea.
"In other words, it is your mind which does the work, not your
breath. The breath is only the carrier of the idea and it is not
necessary to alter your breathing cycle to accommodate the speed of your
thinking. With practice though, you will get used to the mental work
and it will become fast enough for you to not have to insert extra
"empty" breaths while you think. Eventually, your rate of thinking and
visualization will match the rate at which you breathe."

>> Secondly, the same article, I think, said I should spend an hour in
the morning and an hour at night. I don't take that long, so am I
missing something? Heeeelp! <<

This discipline will enable the greatest rate of progress. However,
less time than this will suffice for slower, yet still consistent,
progress. Factored into this approximate figure of one hour, twice a
day (that's less than 10% of your day) are your practice of the mental,
astral and physical exercises as well as your meditation upon the Theory
section of IIH.

One hour, twice a day, is a good standard to aim for but an even better
one is to spend as much time as is needed. Say, for example, that
you're having difficulty with a specific exercise and spending extra
time with it is what you need to do -- do you quit when the one hour is
up because you have fulfilled your duty of exercising for exactly one
hour? ;-) Eventually, your "practice" becomes fully integrated into
your entire life and it's no longer a matter of spending just 8.3% of
your day! Eventually, 100% of your *life* becomes magical.

>> Also, I have heard there is a book of recollections about FB written
by a Dr K, in French. Is it translated yet. Can I get a copy over the
internet. <<

"Souvenirs de Franz Bardon" by Dr. M. Kumar and Dr. Lumir Bardon, is
presently only available in Czech, French and German. If you'd like to
see an English translation, please write an email to Merkur books (
merkurbook@... ) and urge them to publish one.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
28 Jul 2003


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