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Re: Re: Idea for the Bardon Questionnaire

Message 01216 of 3835

Dear Peter,

>> Sorry, just the psychology major in me coming out. <<

:) No problem.

>> I had to study statistics and am wondering if the stats might have
been corrupted by a person taking the questionnaire more than once. <<

The Questionnaire results can't really be treated as being in any way
statistically accurate. To begin with, there's no way to verify the
veracity of any of the claims made, nor is there any way to completely
eliminate duplications.

I don't think the value of the Questionnaire is statistical so much as
it is the fact that it plainly proves that there really are quite a few
folks 'out there' who are making significant progress with the Work. At
any rate, that seems to be its greatest value to most folks.

For me personally, it has much greater value. The demographics alone
have influenced my plans for as I seek constantly to have
different pieces translated into German, French and Spanish (primarily).
Plus, I view the guts of the Questionnaire (something which is available
to anyone upon request) and get to see each individual response. From
this I learn where folks are, or have been, stuck; where they had
difficulty or experienced ease; and so on. This data is VERY helpful to
my work.

At any rate, I do appreciate your idea, Peter.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
03 Aug 2003


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