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Re: Elemental Correspondance and a New Question

Message 01314 of 3835

Dear Rawn,

> I fail to see the relevance. What possible difference could it 
make to
> know whether or not you've done this work in past lives? What 
> is what you do with *this* life, here and now. But relevance 
aside, if
> you find that Hermetics comes easily to you, odds are you've done 
> before.

It was more or less a thought that arose from the sensory 
association of the elements and as to why somethings happened the 
way they did. More on an intellectual level than anything else. 
There is no relevance as far as I'm concerned, and it doesn't make a 
difference, for as you said, only matters what you do with this 
one. Just something that nagged at me while I was thinking ;)


-- Alan


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