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Re: Karmic Releases

Message 01381 of 3835

--- In, "Jeudy, Olivier [AUDT]" 
<olivier.jeudy@n...> wrote:
> Hi friends,
> I read about karma and still have several questions.
> Question 1:
> Say someone suffers from a disease which has karmic origins. What 
will be
> the karmic implications if I, as a physician, cure this person? 
Will I have
> to bear negative karma as a consequence of my curing this person, 
and thus,
> taking away an opportunity that this person had of redeeming its 
own karma?
> Is there a method to conveniently tell whether one's disease is, or 
not, of
> a karmic origin?
> I remember reading in "Souvenirs de Franz Bardon", that Franz 
Bardon refused
> to cure any patient which disease was of a karmic origin.

Dear Oliver:

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed below are my own and do not 
necessarily reflect the opinions of the universe.

One of the several metaphors I have used to try to understand Karma 
is based on an understanding of how electricity flows in a wire (I 
know that sounds farfetched but bear with me). When you apply an 
electric potential across a wire the electrons DON'T flow from one 
end to the other in a straight line. Electrons actually bounce around 
in every direction. The electric potential creates a kind of 
statistical effect in which it is slightly more likely for electrons 
to move in one particular direction. Gradually, and with many 
digressions and occasional motion in exactly the wrong direction, the 
electrons move from one end of the wire to the other (this is also a 
nice metaphor for spiritual growth across the lifetimes of an 

In this sense I think Karma creates a kind of statistical likelihood 
of experiencing 'X' whatever that might be. If the "Karmic potential" 
that a person has created for himself (or herself) creates a 
likelihood of suffering, then even if you alleviate suffering through 
your medical skills, the person will eventually drift into 
the "suffering state" once more - if not in this life, then the next. 

Your compassionate intent however will create a POSITIVE potential 
for your future (or diminish a pre-existing negative potential). 

I don't see Karma as something that is administered by a sentient 
being who would punish you for defying his/her/its will - rather I 
think of Karma as something like a law of physics in the broader 
reality that includes the physical universe. Just as gravity doesn't 
mind being opposed neither does Karma.

Masters like Bardon can see the big picture and understand it. The 
rest of us however just get by with good will and honest intent.

Sincerely, /RM/


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