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Re: Karmic Releases

Message 01391 of 3835

Dear Olivier,

>> Question 1:
Say someone suffers from a disease which has karmic origins. What will
be the karmic implications if I, as a physician, cure this person? Will
I have to bear negative karma as a consequence of my curing this person,
and thus, taking away an opportunity that this person had of redeeming
its own karma? Is there a method to conveniently tell whether one's
disease is, or not, of a karmic origin? I remember reading in "Souvenirs
de Franz Bardon", that Franz Bardon refused to cure any patient which
disease was of a karmic origin. <<

Your situation as a physician and that of Bardon, are quite different.
Bardon was capable, *in certain circumstances*, of eliminating a disease
from a person in such a way that it would not return, regardless of the
person's karma. The implication of such an act is that the person must
learn their karmic lesson in a different way (likely a more difficult
way). While it was *possible* for Bardon to do such a thing, it is
seldom *wise* to do so, hence his "refusal". But I must say, that
telling a person that you will not attempt to cure them because their
disease is karmically necessary has a very positive effect on that
person actually learning the karmic lesson that their disease presents.
In other words, it is a sort of healing in and of itself.

As a physician, you are not taking away the patient's opportunity to
deal with that karmic lesson. Instead, you are participating in their
path to learning that lesson.

>> Question 2:
Assuming that following the path of Hermetics is like treading the
"fast-track" to spiritual enlightment, assuming that releasing oneself
from its karmic debt is a prerequisite to spiritual enlightment, does it
mean that following the path of Hermetics will "accelerate" the
triggering of karmic releases as a way for the initiate to clear its
karmic debt as "quickly" as possible, and, thus, reach spiritual
enlightment in a "minimum of time" -in a fewer incarnations- ?
I guess this second question could also be formulated like: will
the Hermetic path bring total havoc and chaos in my life via a
succession of rapid and destabilizing karmic releases?! <<

Following the Hermetic path will accelerate the rapidity at which karmic
lessons arise plainly and pointedly. This does not however, mean that
your life necessarily becomes chaotic. The reason why it usually
doesn't turn into chaos has to do with the fact that you are, at the
same time, gaining the personal tools to cope with change, adapt and
*learn* more and more rapidly. "Karmic releases" are not destabilizing
if you're paying attention to them and actively learning from them.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
28 Aug 2003


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