In Rawn's comments on IIH, I read in the "Theory Section": <<The magnetic Fluid *gives form* to the Electric force>> (emphasis mine). Taking this literally, meaning that the creation deriving from the Electric force takes actual shape through the influence of the magnetic Fluid, is it possible to infer that Water gives form to Fire ? a) Superficially this looked obvious to me given the attributes of the respective Elements. But suddenly I was not sure this was "licit". b) Since *Water* somewhat looks like an instantiation of the *Magnetic* Fluid or its concrete manifestation (sorry - I don't find the words), and the equivalent for Fire, the deduction seems logical from that angle also At the same time, since they are not at the same level, and given the explicit additional attributes of Water and Fire, I was not sure this was authorized. What is correct ? Or am I "pedaling besides the bicycle" :-) ? Or should I wait till level 8 :-( ? Many thanks. NB