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Re: Another Step One question - EOM

Message 01755 of 3835

Dear :T:,

>> DOes this make any sense? Or does it simply sound like silly
belaboring? <<

Actually, that made a lot of sense. This bit especially, seems like a
good description of how EOM feels --

>>I then find my focus (not easy to describe) in an experince of no
images and
almost a sense of timelessness and disconnectedness.. like not having
roadmaps.. but knowing there are no roads here and intead, identity or
intendness.. beingness-like w/o questioning it.. again.. difficult to
explain. Its almost like resting on one spot w/o space and almost w/o a
sense of space and a sense that there is no time.. its almost a color (i
to perscieve it as SOME -- THING, and cannot.. there is no THING
'vocabulary' in this 'focus'.. instead, there is a sense of
being at that non-spot.
Just at the proverbial 'edges' of that sense of focus is a sense or a
expectation that there is more to this 'identity' than the focus "I am"
at that moment integrate as its more complete comprehension of itself
(?). I
am (the focus) the edge of *not intending*, instead, its resting.
resting. like waiting w/o sound, etc. almost =without interest= in
=not-waiting=. A sense that *all* (and unser of what all is,not really
interested at that point) happens 'below'/'distant echo'. Like one IS
b/c one IS, THAT which is (elsewhere?) IS... and thats how "i" *is* at
once. <<

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
11 Nov 2003


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