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Re: Another Step One question - EOM

Message 01756 of 3835

Dear :T:,

>> I then find my focus (not easy to describe) in an experince of no 
images and almost a sense of timelessness and disconnectedness.. like 
not having any roadmaps.. but knowing there are no roads here and 
intead, identity or intendness.. beingness-like w/o questioning it.. 
again.. difficult to explain. Its almost like resting on one spot w/o 
space and almost w/o a sense of space and a sense that there is no 
time.. its almost a color (i try to perscieve it as SOME -- THING, 
and cannot.. there is no THING 'vocabulary' in this 'focus'.. 
instead, there is a sense of being/intending being at that non-spot. 

Might I suggest a phrase that I made up (at least I don't know anyone 
who uses it) to describe this "state": suspended in Infiniteness. 
Doesn't do it justice, but makes it easier for my note taking ;)

All Will Go Well,


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