I began to observe my thoughts, and seemed to experience all sorts of mental gibberish at once, as if it was aware that I was attempting to be more self-aware. It almost got to the point of pain, but instead of letting it drown me so to speak in mental bile, I just kept watching. The best tactic it seemed to have with me was to think of something interesting so to get a little attention, and then distraction and forgetfulness, leading me to feel mildly irritated and wanting to remember. If I forget something should I just carry on with the excercise and fight through the urge to remember? Or should I remember it and then carry on after the disruption of the excercise? What happens to your mental state when you have practiced the mental discipline excercises for many years? Do you still get trapped by the minds tricks? What happens if you only practice the mental excercises? Thanks for this VERY interesting forum. Tim