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Re: Enhanced Physics

Message 02536 of 3835

Dear Rawn,

> "Models", mathematical or otherwise, are irrelevant when you
> *know*, when you are at one with the Universe and when you act
> *as* the Universe.

I understand, but what if the person developing that mathematical 
model is not interested in initiation, nor is he able to know/act as 
Unity; if bright enough, would such a physicist be able to make such 
a limited model of, for instance, just the astral?
The reason I'm asking is not because it is a path of work I'm 
personally interested in, I'm more than content with Initiation :), 
but the issue worries me - if the answer is positive, it would mean 
that there is a way to circumvent the natural prerequisites for 
utilizing above-physical forces, even if only in a limited and not-
really-understanding way. The process of initiation should instill 
in a person responsibility and understanding, while a scientist does 
not have these qualities.

Also, thanks for confirming my thought regarding Ayin.

Daniel Gutmanas


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