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Re: Sequence of Step One exercises

Message 02546 of 3835

Hi Basim,

> Most of the others I know replace OOT with TT, and then TT with 

Yeah, that's what I've been doing. But, after a period of 
performing EOM, I felt like I was losing the TT ability. I've since 
gone back to it, but my routine is kind of screwy now. My feeling 
is that I should continue both, and just tack on the extra time it 
takes. I find that I'm kind of burnt out though, after the half 
hour, morning and night, of impregnating breaths, TT, and then 

> But, as with physical exercise, there comes a time when mental 
> exercise ceases to yield results; this is when you move on to 
> something more strenuous (that is, keeping EOM, ditching the rest 
> moving on to Step Two).

Right, I agree!

> > Also, regarding the impregnating breaths, once our desire is 
> realized,
> > and we move on to a new one, do we start the exercise over at 
the 7
> > breaths and add one breath each day until our new desire is 
> realized?
> I never thought of that interpretation... I just keep going. When 
> Bardon said that eventually ten minutes in the morning and evening 
> will suffice, I figured that he meant to keep building up. 

What I mean is that once you're inhaling a desire for 10 minutes, 
and eventually it comes to pass, and so you move on to a new desire, 
do you start at 10 minutes? Or, do you work your way to 10 minutes 
by starting at 7 breaths? (Or, if it *takes* you 10 minutes for 7 
breaths, I guess the question is answered :) )

> speaking, it would make more sense to build up the ability to 
> your wishes in any case. The skill of impregnation is the same; 
> wish is just a different concept, not a different skill.

I agree. I just feel that when you move to a new concept, (at least 
for me) it takes more time initially to build it up, and thus takes 
longer for each breath, thus fewer breaths, than when you had the 
momentum of the previous concept. I was just curious if that's how 
other people are doing this.

> Fortunately, we have all of these other nice people to help each 
> other out, right? =)

Amen to that!



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