Dear Devin, >> First, once we master the observation of thoughts (OOT) and move on to thought control (TT), are we to *replace* OOT with TT? Or are we to add on the period of time it takes to do both exercises to our routine? << I think you will find that you're never really done with any of the techniques that the exercises teach and that each one has its applications outside of the exercise context. In other words, while you do replace the OOT *exercise* with the TT exercise once you've mastered OOT, the OOT becomes a handy tool which you will employ as needed. It just won't be an *exercise* that you sit down and do for an allotted amount of time. >> Likewise, once TT is mastered, do we continue it daily along with the Emptiness of Mind (EOM) exercise? << TT is a VERY handy tool. For example, your meditations about the theory section or your Soul Mirror issues are all a form of TT (thought discipline). So its not something you ever really stop, except *as an exercise*. Also, some folks find it easier to attain EOM if they first pass through TT. >> When we reach Step two, do we continue these exercises as well? << EOM is to be continued (for life). TT however, is again used as a *tool* through all the future Steps, but is not an *exercise* in and of itself. For example the Step Two Sensory Concentration exercises are a *form of* TT. >> Also, regarding the impregnating breaths, once our desire is realized, and we move on to a new one, do we start the exercise over at the 7 breaths and add one breath each day until our new desire is realized? << After reading your reply to Basim, I suggest that you focus upon the *time* you spend and not upon the *number* of inhalations. >> Sorry if this has been answered somewhere else, I couldn't find it if it has. << I suggest that you check out the section of my website which is filled with excerpts from my public and private correspondence. My best to you, :) Rawn Clark 28 April 2004 rawnclark@... rawn@...