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Message 02934 of 3835

Hello all at Bardon Praxis!

I have been turning some things over in my head for the past month or two. 
Since the things i am pondering are steps away and i am not actively working on 
those steps, i am still quite curious. I know from past experience that when 
one is actively on the step it becomes considerably more clear. In actuality i 
am not even really looking for a definite answer, more along the ideas of 
...."think on this...your missing something from the total picture..etc." I 
think an "answer" would take all the fun out of it lol.

This one was asked by a friend who has read Mr.Bardons works but not pursuing 
the work it self. "When one reaches the end of step 10 Mr.Bardon says there is 
nothing more he can tell the initiate for he has become one with Deity. Yet we 
have 2 more books after this!" I gave the answer i thought that made sense , 
that the magician does not *need* those books, it just makes things easier on 
him to have the information instead of collecting it all by himself. However 
the more i think about that "answer" the more i see holes. Now i understand 
information wise the difference between merging with personal God and the Unity 
as Mr. Clark has written on. That being said....

- If the magician is merged with Deity, why would he need to read and learn how 
to evoke spirits or speak in the universal language. Would not the merging 
bring the magician into that knowledge of the cosmic language and no need to 
evoke a spirit since they are one with God? What could a spirit tell you or why 
do you need to show your magical authority over a spirit when you are one with 

- I know there must be a quantum level of difference between personal Deity and 
the Unity. So as i see it one first merges with the personal Deity and then 
progresses up the Tree merging with higher god forms until they have the 
potential to accept a merger with the Unity. So is this where PME and KTQ come 
in? Possibly The merger with ones personal Deity is not as awe-some and 
connecting as i think and only a "device" to raise ones four primary aspects to 
a higher level. If this were the case i see that one would need to slowly work 
with spirits/geniuses up to deities until Unity is reached. So this beings me 
to : are books 2 and 3 apart of step 10 in a way? Meaning in step 10 spirit you 
rise along the planes up to Unity. In step 10 astral you build your personal 
god. This is not completed truly until one works on all three books at once 
integrating all these energies into the self, mastering the spherical sentient 
energies by evocation and the cosmic lawfulness by tetra-polar speech.

- I have a friend who does ritual invocations of the Greek deities. I have seen 
these rituals and they are beautiful and fascinating. Now his face and demeanor 
change and you can tell that there is something different. Watching the aura 
around him i can see a completely different energy. Its more vibrant and more 
plentiful. He gives each one in the circle a dialog that is helpful or has some 
importance to the future. Now i know that Mr.Bardon says these are possessions. 
What i am wondering: Is this in some way what Mr.Bardon speaks of in the 
merging with personal Deity, except that one builds the Deity and not takes a 
"ready-made one"? When one is progressing up the spheres does one truly merge 
with the deities met? What makes it different than possession as spoken by 
Mr.Bardon before? Maybe i am wrong maybe one is only to converse with the 
deities as they rise up? This would still produce an effect within the 
initiate, most anyone recognizes the fact we all adapt to the environment
or setting. Over a period of time it would make sense one would take on more 
deified qualities by being around them more.

-Would it be possible from a mere theoretical point of view to not create and 
merge with a personal Deity and only connect to the deities one meets along the 
way until finally reaching the Unity? If it were possible what would be the 
advantages or disadvantages of this process compared to the steps one should do 
as per Mr. Bardon. (let me say i am not proposing i want to do the skipping of 
the personal Deity, it's mere theoretical thought.This is the only one i want 
more of an answer to if possible, considering i will be doing the step exactly 
as Mr. Bardon states)

- I really am sympathetic to the types of ritual-less evocations Mr. Mistelle 
discusses on his site. I find them much more appealing than getting all dressed 
up, ritual weapons and wands, etc.etc. I know that when one masters a sphere 
one can do away with the tools and evoke without them. I know that the tools 
are there for the memory and the mind. So really it just takes one to "program" 
their mind right? Also he speaks on joining his mind to spirits to understand 
their minds and spending time in the mental body meditating with or near the 
spirit. I have a few thoughts on this but they have not matured to ripeness 
yet. I should maybe email him on those thoughts another day.

Well those are my ponderings. It helped alot just to type them all out and see 
them. I have always found writing out a question makes you realize many things 
about the question or thoughts you are having. Ill be interested in any further 
questions raised by this or suggestions given for further meditation.

Thanks for your time. 
Have a great day.

Yours in truth,

Justin B

Truth.The Work.Growth.Service.

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