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Re: Practice of magical Evocation ...

Message 03145 of 3835

You wrote :

> Furthermore -- and this is *very* important -- as Emil Stejnar pointed
> out, Bardon used a code for all of the Earth zone names. Had the author
> of these writings actually made contact with these entities, she would
> have know this fact. But she did not and she compounded this
> misinformation by using the names, as printed but not decoded, to
> compose a little section on the meaning behind the letters in each name.

I had read about the cypher at :

A = E F = V LH = SCH R = T V = D
B = R G = W M = L S = N W = P
CH = H I = O N = G T = B Y = J
D = M K = Z O = U TZ = K ZH = CH
E = A L = S P = F U = I Z = C

But... was this used for ALL of the beings in PME, including the Earth-zone
genii ?

It was my understanding, perhaps an incorrect one, that the cypher was only
required for the beings from the lunar & solar zones.
Later on the same link, it shows a correlation to Abramelin's names for the
same earthzone spirits, and a cypher isnt used for
those names & they seem to match up.
Also the Mercury intelligences in PME are the same as listed many other
places by the same un-cyphered names.
So I guess the actual question is :
Q: What's with the cypher & when should one employ it ?

> If you compare her words in those sections to what Bardon wrote in KTQ
> regarding the meanings of the letters in each of the four realms
> (Akashic, mental, astral and physical), you will see that she is just
> paraphrasing Bardon's own words. She even went so far as to look up the
> tonal correspondences to those letters in her copy of KTQ and labeled
> this the spirit's "melody".

Yes, it's an easy correlation to make. ( But is it a use-less one ? )
I made it early on myself as I was beginning to communicate with genii of
the various zones.
To help me better understand the 'genetics' of the being I was going to
contact, I would refer to KTQ
and spend some time meditating on the key letters in the beings name, with
the understanding that it would
help me to better understand the key qualities, characteristics & attributes
of that being.
A Genius intelligence exisitng outside of time, form & matter, is going to
be too difficult for any human mind to comprehend in its totality. Thus, we
take it in bite-sized peices at first. Call forth, digest & understand the
individual qualities of a being... if for nothing else, then as
training-wheels, to get used to recognizing those qualities when we see them
as part of a beings complete character.

I didn't take it as far as Cynthia did, but I don't think it's a completley
use-less tech-nique.
I agree that all she seemed to do is make a few simple associations & then
milked it for alot of 'prayer'-based magical meditation.
It's definatley more of a poetic-preistess approach than Bardon, but not by
A two-part question would be :
Q: With the correct information, proper training & actual experience in the
art of evocation,
couldn't one achieve some useful insights from a kabbalistic understanding
of the letters of a beings name ?

Perhaps instead of evoking a being-proper & complete, you would end up
evoking individual letters/qualities/energies into your space
and then, like ingredients in a cake, you'd have to assemble the individual
flour & eggs in order to create the being/effect desired.
I could see where that might either be an advanced form of
kabbalistic-evocation that only those with years of experiencial
understanding should ever try to make use of... Or I could even see it as a
lower form of evocation/higher form of volting, useful only for creating
Grigori, servitor spirits, for simple & basic functions.
And in the latter of those two, I can see where you would feel that it
falls short of what Bardon intends by true evocation. But I don't have a
problem with babysteps & training wheels if it, at least puts me in the
ballpark of where I want to eventually be.

Q: ...And are you saying that a spirit/intelligence DOESN'T have a melody...
that there's no tonal-vibraration specific to each being that can help in
establishing a handshake protocol ??
((( insert 'close encounters of the 3rd kind' melody here )))

Music/sound/resonance... to me, in my art, is as important as knowing what
color of fluid/energy to fill the mirror
with and what elemental-associations & oscillations should be present in an
To my understanding, it's about making the prepared space for the being to
occupy as comfortable as possible by
making it as close to it's own home soil/vibration as we possibly can.
If the being evoked were a Scorpio-intelligence, and one fills the
mirror/triangle with a fluid/energy that is both Red in color &
magnetic-heavy water in sensation... then how can adding a dimension of
sound, using the premise that it's the correct tonal signature, possibly
detract from that ? Wouldn't it give a being one more thing to lock onto in
order to manifest itself in the magicians presence and make its
communication channels even that much more solid & real ?

That's my understanding of it, please inform me where I am incorrect, for I
truly do wish to know.
Sound is such a wonderful example of a medium that is a phenomenon of
physics/the physical world and yet intangible and invisable.
Maybe it's just the musician in me, but I have to think there's a usefull
annalogy in there somewhere.
And where there's annalogy, there's usually a tool of some kind.

I just wanted to comment that somewhere under all her angelfood cake of
prayer-like inspiration, is the essence of a tech-nique that I had recieved
by intuition as well when I first started incorporating KTQ into my
evocations, and it's a method that I've had some success with, even though I
didn't go quite in the direction that she went with it.

But I do respect your opinions & understandings Rawn, and I agree there's a
high-degree of fluff in the mix.
I don't see her insights as earthshaking revellations, but it was... kinda
neat. Perhaps more pretty, than useful.
And if, for nothing else, it's nice to have the earthzone intelligences in a
click-able format to access on my computer.
Maybe I'm just a 21st century digital boy in love with my laptop, maybe it's
just a slow, low-hurdle day,
but either way, I thought it was cute.

Anyone can feel free to answer the various questions I posed here,
If they know something that I am missing in my understanding of the
evocation process.

Thank you,


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