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Re: Practice of magical Evocation ...

Message 03146 of 3835

Dear J.,

Bardon put the beginning of the work of evocation at a point *after* the
completion of Step Eight of IIH for a number of reasons, many of which
I've written about in the past. I agree with Bardon's placement as
being absolutely, unequivocally essential for *genuine* Hermetic
initiation. As a consequence, I am willing to discuss questions about
the actual practice of PME *only* with those who have followed Bardon's
system and have reached the completion of Step Eight -- and then, only
in private. However, any one who has actually completed Step Eight
would have no reason to ask me, or any one else, for advice. In other
words, I will not answer questions whose answers would in any way
encourage folks to pursue evocation unprepared.

>> Q: With the correct information, proper training & actual experience
in the art of evocation, couldn't one achieve some useful insights from
a kabbalistic understanding of the letters of a beings name ? <<

In the part of PME which comes before the grimoir, Bardon instructed
that the *first* step in an evocation is for the magician to mentally
wander into the entity's realm and contact the entity personally. Such
an experience brings an intimate understanding of the entity in question
and completely negates any need for additional intellectual
"information". What one perceives in that experience has little to no
relationship to the mundane, human-language letters we might use to
spell out the phonetic of an entity's "name".

Hermetic *magic* is not about reliance on lists of names whose
derivation you have no way of affirming or tables of correspondences
composed by others, etc. *Magic* is rooted in *personal*, direct
perception and experience. One reason that Bardon placed evocation
*after* the completion of Step Eight of IIH is because by that point in
one's initiation, one is capable of the degree of direct personal
perception that evocation requires and one has amassed sufficient
experience to interpret those perceptions accurately. To my mind, an
aspiring magician is better served by investing their time acquiring
those abilities through the pursuit of IIH than by diverting their
energies in areas for which they are unprepared.

>> Q: ...And are you saying that a spirit/intelligence DOESN'T have a
melody... that there's no tonal-vibraration specific to each being that
can help in establishing a handshake protocol ?? <<

No, that's not what I've said. What I said was that the assignments
offered are completely useless.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
06 Oct 2004


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