<center>93 The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible, uses the Th sound in the pronunciation of the letter Tav without Dagesh Lene (the little dot inside). With Dagesh Lene it sounds like Tea same as the letter Tet(h). Strong's Concordance was first written during the 1800's by James Strong. The late 1800's being the time of authors such as Fortune, Crowley and Mathers... I believe the Qabbalist pronunciation comes also from that era. In biblical times up until about A.D. 500 pronunciation was passed on as an oral tradition. A group of Jewish scholars called Masoretes developed pointed text to carry on the sounds (because Hebrew was becoming an unspoken language). Today pointing is used in text books to show which vowel sound should follow a consonant and how long or short that sound should be. Pointed text is called Masoretic text. Oh some examples: HaThaL (to deride, to cheat) 435 Heh (qames) Tav -Dagesh Lene (patah) Lamed HiTooK (is melted) 905 Heh (hireq) Tav +Dagesh Lene (Sureq) final Kaf (sheva) Mind you I do not know Hebrew, though I am learning... Lucien37 93 93/93</center> __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]