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RE: Re: First 3 steps- questions-experience-clarification

Message 03393 of 3835

Another possiblity is that we ASSUME our understanding of 'thought' and of 'ourselves' is significant enough to ascertain OURSELVES and our awareness accurately and correctly. Since that 'understanding' is based upon a possible set of inherent ignorances (a limited sphere of understanding acting from a place of believing it understands itself and does not see the fence surrounding and limiting its awareness), it believes it can trust its own judgement and grasp something that only EXPERIENCE can illuminate. Its a trick of the rational mind to reduce anything to ridiculousness if it cannot be grasped by that finite persceptive quality.

It has been my experience that there is much more to my mind and to "my" thought (if it is "mine".. ??) than my personality and consciousness grasps. Most growth is only determined as such when looking backwards upon the time spent. Most growth happens when one is not paying attention. Else, one may impede ones own growth. Consider learning to walk as a child.. did we KNOW and understand or simply "do until done,..look back and comprehend.."? We TRUSTED in others. Faith.

My suggestion, temporarily suspend your own opinion concerning such things.. rational grasping and understanding is overrated sometimes as the be and end all of awareness. Its only your rational mind. Not much in IHH is typically "Rational".. So, its a good place to begin suspending your opinion. It may not serve u here to hold to your opinion, consider it a "guardian" of sorts. Dont let it imprison you behind the doorway that it guards. You can invite it back later on if u desire to. It is possible.

Then, TRUST and act in the belief that others who have bumped into this same 'wall', passed it the same way. And u will as well.

Your INTENTION is not necessarily always associated with your AWARENESS of that INTENTION. Your INTENTION may be outside of your personalities self-awareness. So, it would be outside the toolset (if u will) of that persceptive 'vehicle'. Dont trust your opinion, just let it serve u, try not to serve it.

Thank you.

I sincerely hope that helps some.
Its simply my 'opinion'. ;)

From: "sineadoconnorfan" <sineadoconnorfan@...>
Subject: [BardonPraxis] Re: First 3 steps- questions-experience-clarification
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 03:08:08 -0000

I don't see how a thought or train of thought can originate by itself without your own intention and involvement in the thought,

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