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Re: Planar Problems / element(ary!) theory qn

Message 03450 of 3835

Dear Marc,

I think your confusion begins with the fact that your ideation is
impressed upon the *Akasha* within the physical air you are about to
inhale. The *Akasha* of the physical air is drawn into your lungs and
it is the *Akasha* -- which contains your ideation -- that merges with
the *Akasha* already resident within your three bodies and thereby
communicates your ideation to the mental, astral and physical materia of
your three bodies.

Since the Eucharistic magic of air involves the processes of the *Air
region of your physical body* it will naturally have a stronger affect
upon the *Air region* of each of your three bodies. In other words, it
will have its strongest affect upon the Air region of your mental body
(the Air region of the mental body is the *thinking* part of our
awareness and is what we most often mean by "mental body"), then the Air
region of your astral body (our loosely held, fairly volatile and
ephemeral emotional states), and finally the Air region of your physical
body (the chest region containing lungs, heart, upper spine, shoulder,
upper arms, etc.).

>> Qn 1: How can posing a thought (this is a mental act in Bardon terms,
correct?) impregnate the air external to the body. Or indeed, how can a
Mental Plane idea impregnate the physical air? <<

As I wrote above, your ideation impregnates the *Akasha* resident, in
this case, within the physical molecules that compose breathable "air".
The Akasha permeates *all* things, be they physical, astral and/or
mental. Plus -- and here's the crux of all the Eucharistic magics --
the Akasha readily *absorbs* all the thoughts circulating in the

We are constantly absorbing thoughts carried by the Akasha resident
within the air we breathe and the liquids and solids we consume -- but
very seldom are we conscious of that fact and even more seldom do we
*consciously* take advantage of this natural mechanism. What
distinguishes the practice in IIH as "magic" is the fact that here we
are making *conscious and willful* use of Nature to our advantage. By
consciously and willfully *imposing* our ideation upon the resident
Akasha, we have exponentially multiplied the rate at which the resident
Akasha absorbs the ideation (compared to an unwilled thought form), thus
the air contains more of our ideation and will have a more powerful
effect upon us. And furthermore, by remaining consciously aware of the
process of physical, astral and mental absorption of the ideation laden
Akasha, we enhance its potency still more.

>> This question suggests an answer to me personally - that of course
the division between Mental and Physical is on this level a false one -
that the planes are analogies that aren't to be seen as a separate
boxes. <<

Well, yes, the planes are *not* discrete, separate boxes. :) Every
physical thing is composed of a mental and astral component. Which is
to say that the astral and mental realms *permeate* the physical realm
and are inseparable from it. They *cause* the physical realm. The
astral realm is an intermediate state which enables the descent of the
mental into the physical and therefore exists only because of this
descent of mental into physical. Which is to say that the mental realm
also *permeates* the astral realm and, in fact, *causes* the astral
realm. Thus the mental realm permeates, encompasses and causes the
astral and physical realms of temporal existence. The mental realm
itself (which, mind you, *includes* the astra-physical) is a product of
the eternal Akashic realm. The Akasha permeates, encompasses and causes

>> For example, why is this exercise seen as 'Physical' <<

Because it requires a physical act (breathing air) and depends upon a
physical substance (breathable air) as the vehicle.

>> Qn 2: It seems that this exercise starts and finishes with the
Spirit - this confuses me. I gather this again reflects my poverty in
understanding the planar analogy. But if we start with an 'Idea', I
don't see why and how (qn 1) this can impregnate the air which then
moves 'up the tree' back to the Spirit again?? This seems circular. <<

I imagine that what I've written above has answered parts of this
question for you. However, it won't have addressed a couple of
important aspects. :) Number one is a consequence of the
interpenetration of the three planes and the Akasha. Since your
ideation is carried by the Akasha, its transference to the Akasha
resident within all three bodies is simultaneous and instantaneous.
However, it takes *time* for this Akashic causation to *manifest* within
your temporal bodies. The effect upon your temporal mental body
(specifically its Air region) will be almost instantaneous -- although
it will still take *time* and *repeated effort* for this effect to
become *permanent*. It will also take time for the effect to manifest
change within your astral body and even longer (by this method) for it
to show its effects physically.

Ultimately, there *is* a circular -- or rather, a cyclic -- exchange
between "above" and "below" and between "below" and "above". This is
how we evolve. :)

>> Qn 3: On emanations from Akasha: does the Physical represent a
coarser (and hence 'less pure') manifestation of Spirit? <<

That's not really a very productive way to look at it. An emanation of
*non-sequential essential meaning* by the Akasha, causes a *sequential*
manifestation which continuously multiplies its variations of form until
the moment when *all* of the possibilities inherent to the
*non-sequential* Akashic root have been manifest in specific form. At
the physical level, essential meaning reaches its most complex level of
manifestation. This is not "less pure", but rather "more complex". It
is still no less an expression of the Akashic root -- no less a part of
that pristine root.

>> If so, is this due to a different balance of the elements - (ie. more
Earth?)? <<

Yes, that is one way of describing it. I suggest that you meditate upon
the significance of the Earth Element.

>> is quite illuminating (if you'll excuse the pun) - <<

;-) No good pun should ever go unpunished!

>> I'm still not sure whether I appreciate the 'why' or rather the 'how'
of the emanation downward toward the physical. <<

The Akasha is not "motivated" by a "why". That is really the purview of
human emotion, not the Primum Mobile. Instead of being moved by a
"why", the Akasha simply *is*. It simply expresses as is its nature to
express. We can however, come to understand the "how" very deeply.
That *is* Hermetics.

>> I hope that my dilemma isn't too tedious, and that I've at least
presented my quandary in terms that are semi-intelligible. <<

Your questions were very clear. :) I hope my replies prove to be too!

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
09 Jan 2005


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