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Re: What does it mean to become noble concerning passions?

Message 03492 of 3835

Dear Olivier,

>> Ok but the situation you describe here would surely be very unlikely
if one has reached the astral-mental equilibrium right? Someone who has
reached the astral-mental equilibrium would be unable to feel great
about himself as soon as he notices that he has unwillingly alienated
everyone around...yes? <<

Yes, I was joking. :) When one is *truly* honest with oneself, one
discovers that the self exists always in context with the whole and that
the self, hidden beneath the layers of negativity, is a positive thing
that has a positive effect upon the surroundings in which it exists.

>> With the completion of Step II, the scholar reaches the astral
elemental balance by a direct work on his thoughts and emotions. Could
you please clarify what remains to be done to reach the *astral-mental*
equilibrium of the elements? What is it that makes the step II
techniques insufficient to work out a complete *astral-mental*
equilibrium? <<

The astral Equilibrium involves transformation of the *personal self* or
character so that it more clearly reflects the more temporally-inclusive
Individual Self (the aspect of Self that incarnates). The *mental*
Equilibrium involves transformation of the Individual Self or temporal
mental body so that it more clearly manifests the Greater Self or
eternal mental body which is all-inclusive. The work with the higher
Equilibrium directly effects the astral body in that it evolves still
further than during the astral transformation itself. In other words,
it comes to also reflect the Greater Self.

The working techniques are essentially the same except that they are
applied *by* a higher aspect of Self, and *upon* a higher aspect of
Self, in the mental transformation than in the astral transformation..

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
20 Jan 2005


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