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Re: Question on Soul Mirror work/Akashic Impregnation

Message 03649 of 3835

Hi Olivier/Jason

I find your questions interesting and complementary
to each other. I would be keen to learn of the experiences
of other forum members, if they're willing...

<<What is the difference between using the Akasha or using the Vital
Energy for wish impregnation?>>

I still have a lot more work to do with this but my very limited 
experience has shown a clear physical effect from impregnating VE, 
whereas impregnating Akasha seems more suited to internal qualities.
(this may not be true in experienced hands, but that is what
I've discovered so far for myself)

<<Now, I can certainly use my *will* to effect change, but the
eucharistic magics seem to have no effect upon me>>

How are you defining effect? You should be feeling an effect
concurrent with the impregnation. Otherwise the quality you're
impregnating hasn't been built up sufficiently.
It takes 'will' to build the ideation, but once it's being
experienced in the moment, then from that moment onwards that quality
should be present within you. It's the repetition that makes it 

<< Did you wake up one morning and suddenly possess the quality that
you'd been working towards? >>

Again, the quality has to be experienced internally to make an
effective inpregnation. After that, you get to experience the quality
pretty much round the clock. If you stop the impregnation before
the quality has become permanent then it will gradually fade, but
it should be a part of you as soon as you start the eucharistic
magics. It won't suddenly appear if you're not experiencing it
internally with each impregnation.

A single impregation on a new quality will last, in my experience,
without any further reinforcement for about 1.5 days. From the
moment of impregnation, the quality, lets say an emotion like 
cheerfulness, will be present in your surface awareness or just under 
the surface. So the quality, in a sense is already a part of you, but
you need the repetition to make it permanent.

Read or re-read Rawn's essay on empowered remembering, it's very 
relevant to the Eucharistic magics.

<< Did you need to actively engage your will in the process, and 
perhaps some auto-suggestion? >>

As mentioned above, 'will' is used to grap hold of the memories or
imagined memories that evoke that quality. It also takes 'will' to 
break through resistance to experiencing that change. So 'will' is
definitely involved.

By auto-suggestion, I'm assuming you mean 'affirmations'?
The same applies here. Bardon mentioned repeating the affirmation
40 times, each morning and night.
Again, you need to step into the ideation expressed by the 
affirmation to the extent that you suspend disbelief between your 
present reality and the reality captured by the affirmation.
A clever technique allied to affirmations is to repeat the affirmation
as a tool of meditation, capturing the essence, and then hold that
in your mind, rather than just repeating the words that represent that
essence. Hold that essence as long as your concentration allows.

<<Did events, circumstances and "things" around you begin to alter 
too, seemingly in support of your own change?>>

That seems to happen anyway, some of it tragic, some of it plain 
bizarre, some even awe-inspiring. I think thats to be expected. 

<< In other words, it only works if you *believe* in it.>>

With akasha as sensitive as it is, though you maybe don't need to 
believe in your EM work, I would avoid actively dis-believing in it.
Otherwise, you're effectively impregnating that instead!

Hope this helps



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