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The Path of Brilliance

The Brilliant Way and the Brilliant Form.

© 2004 By Rawn Clark

The Path of Brilliance is an outgrowth of my own work with advanced forms of The Magic of IHVH-ADNI (TMO) [1] and the Self-Healing Archaeous [2] techniques.  What distinguishes it from both of these disciplines is its direct incorporation of the Kethric Brilliance.  In the TMO context, the Path of Brilliance manifests as the Brilliant Form of TMO and in the Self-Healing Archaeous context, it manifests as the Brilliant Way.

Prerequisites to truly practicing the Path of Brilliance are:

1.  The ability to clearly sense one's own physical, astral and mental bodies and to directly perceive one's Akashic or eternal mental body.

2.  Mastery of the Elements sufficient to be able to load the Elemental regions of one's own physical, astral and mental bodies with their respective Elements.

3.  Mastery of the Electric and Magnetic Fluids sufficient to load the Fluidic hemispheres of one's own physical, astral and mental bodies with their respective Fluids.

4.  Direct personal experience of the Kethric Brilliance sufficient to be able to invoke it into the physical, astral, mental and Akashic realms and to emanate it in those same realms.

If you do not already posses these prerequisites then it is still possible to derive some small benefit from practice of the Brilliant Way and Brilliant Form through imagining, to the best of your ability, the four bodies, the loading of the Elements and Fluids and the invocation / emanation of the Kethric Brilliance.  However, the benefits and effectiveness of this sort of practice would be minor in comparison to the true practice.

The Brilliant Way

For ease of introducing you to the Path of Brilliance, I will begin with a description of the Brilliant Way, which is rooted in the purely Hermetic techniques presented in the Self-Healing Archaeous.  If you have not already pursued the Self-Healing Archaeous then I suggest that you master at least the first three Lessons of the audio series before you think of attempting the Brilliant Way technique.

Like TMO, the Brilliant Way involves a process of ascent, descent, re-ascension, re-descent and finally, emanation, of conscious awareness.  And like the Archaeous, the Brilliant way involves the physical, astral, mental and Akashic bodies and their Elemental regions.  Where it differs from both is its incorporation of the Kethric Brilliance. 

The first phase is the initial ascent of conscious awareness -- from the very limited mundane level, "upwards" and "outwards" to the infinitely inclusive level of Kether -- from the infinitely finite "I am" to the infinitely infinite "I Am!".  In a sense, this ascent is a preparation of the vessels which will serve as vehicles for the Kethric Brilliance during the subsequent descent phase.  These vessels must first be Elementally and Fluidically balanced before they can truly invoke the Kethric Brilliance and then emanate it without distortion.

The very first step of the initial ascent is the expansion of our awareness from its normal mundane state to a more holistic awareness of our whole physical body.  Normally, the mundane awareness is focalized in head.  We peer out through our eyes at the world, listen to it through our ears, etc.  So our first task is to bring our conscious awareness down into the rest of our body.  To do this, become aware of your head region and then your chest region, then your abdominal region and finally, of your leg region.

Now load the leg region [3] of your physical body with the Earth Element..  This is not to be a dynamic accumulation in which you experience a specific tension of the Earth Element; rather, it is a process of abandoning your leg region to the Earth Element and of letting it be the Earth Element.  Feel its cold dryness; its absolute cessation of motion; its thirst and its chill; its desire for heat and moisture, for change and motion.  Feel its latent fertility, just waiting for the moisture of Water and the warmth of Fire to touch it.

Now load the abdominal region [4] of your physical body with the Water Element.  As before, this is not to be a dynamic accumulation but rather, an abandoning of the abdominal region to the Water Element.  Let it be the Water Element and feel its cold wetness; its continuous fluidity and constant state of change; its desire for heat and its longing to quench the Earth's dryness.  Let the Water seep down into the topmost layer of the dry Earth below, thus uniting your Earth and Water regions.

Now load the chest region [5] of your physical body with the Air Element.  Abandon your chest region to the Air Element and let it be the Air.  Feel the Air's warmth and dampness; its lightness and weightlessness; its freedom bound only by its desire for guidance and direction.  Feel its need to give its heat where there is cold and its moisture, where there is dryness.  Let the Air feed its heat to the upper layer of the cold Water below, thus uniting your Water and Air regions.

Now load the head region [6] of your physical body with the Fire Element.  Abandon your entire head to the Fire Element and let it be Fire!  Feel the Fire's intense heat and searing dryness; its burning, flame like intensity.  Feel its radiant quickness and its absolute and desperate need to quicken the slow cold and evaporate the putrefying dampness.  Let the Fire warm the Earth and Water below, bringing the Earth to fertility and evaporating the uppermost layer of the Water, turning it into Air.  Unite all four Elemental regions of your physical body and feel the dynamic interaction of all four Elements and regions.

Now load the right hemisphere [7] of your physical body with the Electric Fluid.  As with the Elemental loadings, this is not to be a dynamic accumulation but rather, an abandoning of the hemisphere to the Electric Fluid.  Let the hemisphere be the Electric Fluid.  Feel its dynamic radiance and its undeniable need to affect and transform its surroundings.

Now immediately load the left hemisphere [8] of your physical body with the Magnetic Fluid.  Abandon this entire hemisphere to the Magnetic Fluid and let it be the Fluid.  Feel its dynamic power of attraction and contraction as it draws the radiance of the Electric Fluid unto itself.  Feel the incredible desire of the Magnetic Fluid for the Electric Fluid and vise versa and in this way, unite the two Fluidic hemispheres of your physical body.  Feel also the Fluidic hemispheres of each of the Elemental regions and how each Element is itself divided into two hemispheres, positive and negative which, like the Fluidic hemispheres, are bound together by an inseparable and mutual desire.

Spend a few moments focused upon this completely balanced Fluidic and Elemental composite physical body.  Unify the four regions and two hemispheres of your physical body until they are a perfectly balanced whole.

Now invoke the Kethric Brilliance.  Abandon your entire physical being to it and be the Kethric Brilliance.  Feel its infinite reach; its ability to permeate all things equally and without discrimination.  Feel its qualities of an infinite will-to-good and all-pervading awareness.  Feel how it obliterates all barriers and all differences and turns all things into pure White Brilliance. 

Now emanate the Kethric Brilliance outward, into the entire physical realm surrounding your physical body.  Abandon yourself to the radiant properties of the Kethric Brilliance.  Be that radiance and feel your awareness expanding with the Kethric emanation.  Feel the Kethric Brilliance permeate all things equally and without discrimination, touching all things with its will-to-good and consciously filling all things with its all-pervading awareness.  Consciously turn all things into pure White Brilliance.

Spend several moments focused upon this state of emanating the Kethric Brilliance through your perfectly balanced physical body, into the physical realm surrounding you.

Now expand your self-awareness until you become directly aware of your astral body.  Become aware of its Fire region and descend into its Air region, then Water region and finally, into its Earth region.

Now load each Elemental region of your astral body [9] with its respective Element in the same way as you did with your physical body.  Follow this by loading each hemisphere with its appropriate Fluid and spend several moments focused upon the Elemental and Fluidic balance and unity of your astral body.

Now invoke the Kethric Brilliance into your astral body and then emanate it outward, into the entire astral realm surrounding your astral body.

Spend several moments focused upon this state of emanating the Kethric Brilliance through your perfectly balanced astral body, into the astral realm surrounding you, while simultaneously emanating the Kethric Brilliance through your physical body, into the physical realm surrounding you.  In other words, you are emanating the Kethric Brilliance simultaneously into the physical and astral realms surrounding you.

Now shift your awareness to your temporal mental body or Individual Self.  Focus your awareness in its Fire region and descend into its Air, water and then Earth regions. 

Now load the Earth region of your temporal mental body [10] with the Earth Element.  Next, load the Water region [11] with its Element; then the Air region [12]; and finally, load the Fire region [13] with the Fire Element.  Follow this by loading each hemisphere of your temporal mental body with the appropriate Fluid and spend several moments focused upon the Elemental and Fluidic balance and unity of your temporal mental body.

Now invoke the Kethric Brilliance into your temporal mental body and emanate it outward, into the entire mental realm surrounding your temporal mental body.

Spend several moments focused upon this state of emanating the Kethric Brilliance through your perfectly balanced temporal mental body, into the mental realm surrounding you, while simultaneously emanating the Kethric Brilliance through your astral body, into the astral realm surrounding you and, through your physical body, into the physical realm surrounding you.  In other words, you are to simultaneously emanate the Kethric Brilliance through your temporal mental body, astral body and physical body, into the physical, astral and mental realms which surround your three temporal bodies.

Now shift your awareness to the Fire region of your temporal mental body and project your awareness into the Akashic realm of your Greater Self or eternal mental body.  Invoke the Kethric Brilliance into your Greater Self and emanate it outward, into the Akashic realm surrounding your eternal mental body.

Spend some "time" focused upon this state of emanating the Kethric Brilliance through your eternal mental body, into the Akashic realm surrounding you, while simultaneously emanating the Kethric Brilliance through your temporal mental body, into the mental realm surrounding you and, through your astral body, into the astral realm surrounding you and, through your physical body, into the physical realm surrounding you.  In other words, you are to simultaneously emanate the Kethric Brilliance through your eternal mental body, your temporal mental body, astral body and physical body, into the physical, astral, mental and Akashic realms which surround your awareness.

Now merge your awareness with Kether ItSelf and abandon yourself completely to the Kethric Brilliance.  Within that Brilliance, recognize your Greater Self, Individual Self, astral self and physical self, all united together in actively rooting the Kethric Brilliance into the present moment of physical time-space.  Emanate the Kethric Brilliance into all these levels of Self simultaneously.

Now, while maintaining this holistic Awareness, condense a micro-focus and cause it to descend to your Greater Self, then to your Individual Self, then into your astral body and finally, into your physical body.  Become consciously aware of your physical body with this micro-focus and invoke the Macro-focus of the holistic Awareness within your physical micro-focus.  Now emanate the Kethric Brilliance with your micro- and Macro-foci simultaneously.  In other words, you are to simultaneously be the Kethric Brilliance and emanate it into each realm through all of your bodies.

Spend several minutes [14] focused in this state of unification and uninterrupted emanation.

Now raise this micro-focus through your various bodies until you once again reside with your awareness in Kether.  Follow this by shifting your micro-focus back down through each body until your are again focused within your physical body.  You may repeat this ascent and descent of micro-focus as many times as it pleases you to do so.

When you are satisfied and feel you have done enough, stabilize your awareness within your physical body, gently release your Macro-focus and return to your mundane physical awareness in the normal manner.

The Brilliant Form

The Brilliant Way merges very effectively with the practice of TMO, resulting in TMO's most powerful "form" -- the Brilliant Form TMO. 

To begin, follow the initial ascending phase of the Brilliant Way exactly as outlined above.  Once you reach Kether and the merging with the Kethric Brilliance, utter the "Ani". 

Descend with the "IHVH" by blending the normal TMO method with that of the Brilliant Way in the following manner, remembering throughout to maintain your Macro-focus simultaneously with the movement of your micro-focus:  With the "Yod", bring your micro-focus into your Chokmah and emanate the Kethric Brilliance within Chokmah.  With the first "Heh", shift your micro-focus to your Binah and emanate the Kethric Brilliance through your Greater Self (eternal mental body), into the Akashic realm.  With the "Vav", bring your micro-focus into your Tiphareth and emanate the Kethric Brilliance through your Individual Self (temporal mental body), into the mental realm.  With the final "Heh", bring your micro-focus into your Malkuth by first shifting your micro-focus into your astral body and emanating the Kethric Brilliance through your astral body into the astral realm, and then, shifting your micro-focus into your physical body and emanating the Kethric Brilliance through your physical body, into the physical realm. 

With the "Adonai", unify your emanations on the various levels so that they are consciously simultaneous within your micro-focus of Malkuth and allow the Adonai Light to erupt as usual.

You will find that the eruption of Adonai Light is continuously fed by the simultaneous multi-level emanation of the Kethric Brilliance and will continue to grow until it either matches the clarity of your emanation of the Kethric Brilliance or you will it to halt its growth.  When the density of your accumulation of the Adonai Light reaches a comfortable level or quantity, instruct it stop increasing.

At this point you may impregnate the accumulated Adonai Light as per usual.  Draw it into yourself as usual with your inhalation and then send it out for the Divine Blessing as usual with the "Ribonno Shel Olam".  As it spreads outward and inward, let it ride with the Kethric Brilliance which permeates every level of your Self-Awareness.

With the return wave of the Adonai Light, center it upon your desired focus as usual, letting it rest upon its target with the "Amen".  During this process, let it flow with the Kethric Brilliance which permeates every level of your Self-Awareness and observe how the presence of the Kethric Brilliance increases the penetrating power and effectiveness of the Adonai Light.

If needed, you may rapidly convert the Kethric Brilliance (that you are simultaneously emanating at the level of your target) into more Adonai Light by consciously willing the Kethric Brilliance to become the Adonai Light at that level.  This will transmute the Kethric Brilliance immediately into the Adonai Light upon the level at which you are working with your micro-focus.

When you are finished with your work, shift your micro-focus to your physical body and firmly root yourself in your physical body awareness.  Gently return to normal mundane awareness in the usual manner.

The Path of Brilliance

Similar to the Akasha, the Kethric Brilliance cannot be accumulated dynamically (i.e., condensed to a pressurized state within the temporal realm).  Instead, it can only be emanated with varying degrees of clarity.  The greater the degree of clarity with which it is emanated -- the greater the degree of its manifestation.  If it is emanated with a low degree of clarity, then its manifestation will be hardly noticeable; and if emanated with perfect clarity, then its manifestation will produce immediate effects and be quite noticeable.

But while the Kethric Brilliance ItSelf cannot be condensed or accumulated, it can be transformed into another substance which can then be condensed into an accumulation of whatever density one wishes.  Since the Kethric Brilliance is the primal root of all that exists, it can be transmuted into any substance one chooses by merely willing it to be so.  In other words, if you wish to transmute the Kethric Brilliance in the Electric Fluid for instance, all you would do is mentally will that the Kethric Brilliance condense itself into the Electric Fluid.  In essence, you are drawing the Electric Fluid out of the Kethric Brilliance to the exclusion of everything else that is potentially contained within the Kethric Brilliance.

The maximum degree of density of the transmuted Kethric Brilliance will depend upon the degree of clarity of the emanated Kethric Brilliance.  For example, if you emanate a low clarity of Kethric Brilliance and then transmute it into an Element, your subsequent quantity of that Element will be fairly limited and thus produce only a small accumulation of the Element.  Conversely, if you are able to emanate the Kethric Brilliance with perfect clarity then any transmutation of it will produce a resulting accumulation of infinite potential.

An accumulation produced by transmutation of the Kethric Brilliance will possess a greater power of penetration than a normal accumulation of the same substance derived by normal means.  The Kethric Brilliance is, to use an appropriate term of Alchemy, the "Universal Solvent" and possesses an infinite power of penetration.  Thus any direct transmutation of the Kethric Brilliance inherits some degree of this same power (depending, as before, upon the original clarity of emanation).

The primary effect of the emanation of Kethric Brilliance is harmonization.  In fact, when performing the Brilliant Way, one can reach a state of perfect harmony between one's inner state of awareness and one's external physical, astral, mental and Akashic environment.  And by emanating the Kethric Brilliance in the presence of others, one can establish a deep harmony with them at any level one chooses.  This is a very beneficial asset for any sort of healing work.

A very pleasant exercise in regard to harmonizing with one's environment is to perform the Brilliant Way while walking in a natural setting.  Balance the Elements and Fluids within your physical body, invoke the Kethric Brilliance and then emanate it into your physical surroundings.  Follow this with the same procedure for your astral body and astral environment; your temporal mental body and mental environment; and finally, with your eternal mental body and your Akashic environment.  When all four levels are united and you're simultaneously emanating the Kethric Brilliance into your environment at all four levels, you become fully integrated with your surroundings and attain a perfect state of environmental harmonization.  This state will produce a heightened degree of perceptual awareness and the ability to communicate directly with your environment.  Here one finds the true value and immense Beauty of power with, as opposed to power over.

Another effect is an increased mobility of the micro-focus within the Macro-Focus [15].  In the presence of the Kethric Brilliance, translocation of the micro-focus can be instantaneous.  For example, with the Brilliant Form TMO, the micro-focus can be instantly shifted to any level of self-awareness and to any location within the four realms (physical, astral, mental and Akashic), making the treatment of multiple subjects or attending to several targets, very easy and rapid.

With sufficient practice of the Brilliant Way technique it is possible to load and balance the Elements and Fluids within your three temporal bodies, instantly, by merely invoking the Kethric Brilliance.  In other words, the Fluidic and Elemental balancing becomes a consequence of the presence of the Kethric Brilliance instead of its precursor.  This is similar to the creation of a finger ritual [16] in which repetition builds a "volt" that can be activated by a single simple action instead of a series of complex actions.

Notes:                                                                                                                     .

1. See http://www.tmo-wg.net for more info.

2. See http://www.abardoncompanion.com/Arch-info.html for more info.

3. The "leg region" is attributed to the Earth Element and encompasses the area from the tops of your hips downward, including your genetalia, to the soles of your feet and also, your hands from wrists to fingertips.

4. The "abdominal region" is attributed to the Water Element and encompasses the area from your diaphragm muscle downward to your pelvis, excluding your sexual organs; and also your forearms, from elbows to wrists.

5. The "chest region" is attributed to the Air Element and encompasses the area from the base of your neck downward to your diaphragm muscle and also, your upper arms from elbows to shoulders.

6. The "head region" is attributed to the Fire Element and encompasses the whole head and neck.

7. The "right hemisphere" is attributed to the Electric Fluid and encompasses the most dominant half of your body.  In the average person, this will correspond to whichever hand you use automatically.  For the average right-handed person, this will be the right-hand side of the body and for the average left-handed person, this will be the left-hand side of the body.  However, the Fluidic hemispheres have more to do with one's astral character, so there will be exceptions to this "rule".  Each of the two hemispheres perfectly bisect the body and all four regions into equal left-right halves.

8. The "left hemisphere" is attributed to the Magnetic Fluid and encompasses the least dominant half of your body.  For the average right-handed person, this will be the left-hand side of the body and for the average left-handed person, this will be the right-hand side of the body.

9. The Elemental regions of the astral body surround the same area where the Elemental regions of the physical body are located.  Thus the Earth region of the astral body is the lowest, surrounding the physical leg region, and is composed of the foundational emotions from which all the rest of your emotions spring.  The Water region surrounds the physical abdominal region and is composed of those emotions which translate the foundation into action.  The Air region surrounds the physical chest region and is composed of those emotions that communicate the foundation.  And finally, the Fire region surrounds the physical head region and is composed of the most fleeting and passionate emotions whose expression is transformative.

10. The "Earth region" of the temporal mental body is, effectively, your physical awareness.  So in this case, you are to load your entire physical body with the Earth Element.

11. I.e., load your emotional awareness or entire astral body with the Water Element.

12. I.e., load the thinking aspect of your awareness with the Air Element.

13. I.e., load the perceiving aspect of your awareness with the Fire Element.

14. Maintain this state for as long as it pleases you to do so.

15. See http://www.ABardonCompanion.com/TMO-FinalForm.html for an explanation of micro- and Macro-focus in the TMO context.

16. See Franz Bardon's "Initiation Into Hermetics", Step Four, Physical Training.