Chakras & IIH
© 2002
>> I would like anyone who is knowledgeable on such matters, if they could perhaps explain how chakras are related to the exercises/theory of Bardon's system. He briefly describes them on page 47 (Merkur edition), and promises to explain how to activate the energy centres. However, I cannot for the life of me find where it is in the book! So, are chakras recognised by Bardon, or does elemental loading of the physical body replace the theory of having 7 energy centres in the body? Perhaps it's related to magnetic/electric fluid? <<
It is sort of misleading where Franz wrote: "In another chapter I will explain the awakening of the serpent power in the individual centers." But I think this is mainly due to our modern, popular perspective which considers work with the chakras a vital part of magical practice. However, if you take this in context with what he says about the correspondence between the Elements and the chakras, it becomes evident that he did explain the awakening of the serpent power, but in the context of the Elemental regions instead of the chakras.
Furthermore, from an Hermetic perspective, safely awakening the chakras is more complex than merely overloading them with energy. A large part of their natural awakening occurs as a consequence of the process of character development.
The chakras are not just physical energy centers. They also accommodate emotional and mental energy. Unfortunately, this is most usually not taken into consideration in western systems that work with the chakras directly. But in Bardon's system, this is central and the work of character development precedes the actual work of accumulating the Elements and Fluids.
The transformation of character and consequent building of the Elemental Equilibrium, gently opens and balances these energy centers at the key level of the astral body. The subsequent accumulation of the Elements (Step Four) then ignites the serpent power within them, safely.
My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
11 May 2002