Energetics and Usefulness of the Cold Shower/Rinse
© 2003
>> Obviously with the cold shower, the energy movement within the body is what's important. Will this be discussed in later steps, or can - or rather will you explain why now, in Hermetic terms? <<
Bardon doesn't discuss this energy movement that results from the warm-cold-warm sequence. In fact, he says very little about its benefits other than that it's refreshing. :)
Its effect is similar to the body brushing in that it's detoxifying and simultaneously stimulates the movement of energy throughout the nerves. While the body brushing detoxifies the skin itself (and stimulates the lymphatic system), the warm-cold-warm detoxifies one's core physical energy by bringing it to the surface of the skin. As the core energy passes from core to extremity, it carries energetic impurities with it and releases them through the skin where they are removed by the magnetic properties of the cold water. The follow-up warming (with towel or water) has the effect of halting the exteriorization and allows the core energy to return to core.
This effect is, of course, amplified when you make it a *conscious* act. In other words, you consciously participate in the natural movement of energy outwards from core and consciously use this movement to rid yourself of any negativity or other energetic toxins. It can be very helpful in the self-transformation of one's character as you can attach negative character traits very easily to this core energy.
My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
11 Jan 2003