Step Three: Connecting With the Elements
© 2003
>> I have a question to ask regarding step 3. When practicing elemental pore breathing, is it supposed to be that when you draw in the elemental energy, your body must immediately feel like that element? E.g., if you breathe in fire, must your body feel hot? I have been practicing this about 4 times and I do not feel a significant increase in heat, not much different from the heat I get in the step 2 imagination about tactile exercise. <<
The Fire Element is about more than just the sensation of heat and with this exercise you must also bring those other factors into play. *At first*, you must create the sensory impressions for yourself, just like in the Step Two sensory concentration exercises. The difference however, lies with the inclusion of the *whole* array of attributes that correspond to the Element. With the inclusion of the non-sensory aspects of the Element, you establish a connection to the Element itself and, with sufficient practice, the sensations of heat, dryness and radiance will arise on their own, without your having to create them.
My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
12 Dec 2003