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Alexandre Moryason's comments on
"The Practice of Magical Evocation"

[Downloaded from Paul Allen's "Franz Bardon Research" Website.]

Paul Allen's Preface:

Alexandre Moryason is the French occultist who translated Bardon's three main works into the French language. He added a lot of footnotes/explanations to his translations which are very interesting for every student of magic working with Bardon's system.


Alexandre Moryason authorized me to translate his comments contained in his French translation of Bardon's 3 books into English.

Actually the entire work has been done by Mr. Orion Tschudi, who organized the translation. I would like to thank Mr. Tschudi here in the name of all English speaking Friends of Franz Bardon for this extensive and excellent work.

My special thanks goes to the professional translator Jocelyne Demers (contact: (416) 925 5811 - Toronto, Canada; email swan14@globalserve.net) who did the entire translation for free !!!

Paul Allen, March 2001.


Translator's preface:

"T.N." stands for "Translator's Note", which is inscribed in the French edition's footnotes as "Ndt". The Translator thus referred to is that who translated the text into French, providing me with my original, French language material.

In this document, the footnotes, translated into English from the actual of the French language edition, are preceded by the word "Page" followed by the number of the page on which they do appear in the French language, that followed by such words or phrases as relevant, immediately preceding the call for a given footnote, thusly: the French word or phrase, then its English rendition, then the call for the footnote. Then, in the next paragraph, the footnote itself. If there are several calls for footnotes on a given page, such calls, including the relevant excerpts from the body of the text and their English translations, are gathered in one paragraph, followed by the notes, one paragraph for each of the latter. For example, in the French edition's main text on page 24, the words "un Mage" are followed by a call for footnote 1 and further down, on page 25, there appears the phrase "exactement par les mêmes Lois", followed by the call for footnote 2; further down still on page 25 there comes the phrase "de "blanche" ou de "noire"". So, 1 write then, "Page 24, "un Mage", "a Magus" 1. And then, "Page 25, exactement par les même Lois", "exactly through the same Laws"2; "de "blanche" ou de "noire"", ""white" or "black""3. Following such a statement there appears, in a distinct paragraph and the order called, any footnote for that page. Footnotes are numbered consecutively throughout the book, from 1 to 102.


Alexandre Moryason's comments on "The Practice of Magical Evocation":

Page Page 24, "un Mage", "a Magus"1.

1) TN.: Franz Bardon designates the operator in Magic thus, be that a man or a woman; the latter however shall not perform any Ritual of Evocation at the time of her menses.


Page 25, "exactement par les mêmes Lois", "exactly through the saine Laws"2; "de «blanche» ou de «noire», ""white" or "black""3,- "malsain ou mauvais", "pernicious or bad"4.

2) T.N.: Just as a knife is used to cut the bread or to kill, fire, to warm and to cook the food or to put to death the individual bound to a stake.

3) T.N.: Magic is "Knowledge" of the Universal Laws and Knowledge of the ways the latter act. When one knows GENUINELY those ways, one can but follow the Divine Plan or Program; if one does not do so, one believes that one knows them, but one does nothing of the kind. The title of Magus and the word "Magic" must therefore be understood and used in their genuine sense, and this is why, at this stage of understanding, of consciousness and of action, the "white" and the "black" do not exist, sole is the Divine Plan that carries Itself out.

4) T.N.: The Negative is called in Occultism "Negative Good" for it is programmed by God to destroy what hinders Life and Consciousness. When that Force is used to destroy Life and Consciousness, it becomes, by the deed of the men who lead it astray from its primordial course, "evil". But the Universal Laws have not at all programmed "evil" such as we mean it. "Must Irepeat again that the Best Adepts searched the Universe during millennia and nowhere found trace of such a maker of Machiavellian plans"... specified the Master Kout Houmi.


Page 26, "d'un point de vue, non pas religieux mais conforme au Plan Universel", "from a standpoint not religious but in compliance with the Universal Plan"5; "qu'il use de ces forces', "that he uses those forces"6; "Le sorcier", "The sorcerer'7.

5) T.N.: Can one say that Magnetism is "bad" in opposition to Electricity which, in turn, would be "good"? Now, for the Magus (as for the contemporary scientist), those are indeed the two forces that one is to use for the Good, according to the Divine Plan, and not to do "evil" by working in an erroneous fashion with them.

6) T.N.: In order to collaborate, in consequence, to the Divine Plan and not to contradict It.

7) T.N.: Franz Bardon generally calls thus the mere ignoramuses, even those that operate in Magic with well intentioned motives for, on account of their low spirituality and of a lack of purification, they necessarily reach, in Evocation, planes and beings of a "doubtful" polarity.


Page 28, "la Magie de l'empathie," "the Magic of empathy"8.

8) T.N.: From the Greek "én", in, and "pathos", what one experiences. Empathy is that phenomenon which consists in projecting oneself into another being (animal or human) and in being genuinely able to feel or experience all which that being feels or experiences.


Page 34, "et comment agir en tant qu'~tre spiritueP, "and how to act as a spiritual being"9.

9) T.N.: The higher mental, tuned in by the lower mental (that of which we are generally aware and which enables us to say " I think") is actually the transmitter of a higher reality inherent to the human being, his Spiritual Self and His Support. This genuine Self is the Spirit. The Orient, which has kept a knowledge in depth of the Universe and of the human being's exact structure, calls it "Atrnan" or 7th Principle. His support is named "Buddhi" or 6th Principle; the higher mental, "Buddhi-Manas" and the lower mental, "Kama-Manas". Thus by a mental work of an abstract type, one does activate the higher mental and, as the result of this, the Spirit can emanate over the denser planes.


Page 35, 1e Nom d'une Intelligence", "the Name of an Intelligence" 10; lepouvoirdela visualisation, etc... ", "the power to visualize, etc... " 11.

10) T.N.: Mercury-Hod's 72 Intelligences. See this volume's pages concerning them.

11) T.N.: Because visualization falls under the activity of the Fire Element and since the Serpent represents also that Element: See the Ouroboros, that Serpent that bites its tail and that symbolizes the Universal Fire circling the Space of the Creation.


Page 36, "un autre petit Cercle ou un Pentagramme", "another small Circle or a Pentagrarn" 12; "pointe vers le hauC, "point upwards" 13.

12) T.N.: The phrase "Circle or Pentagrarn" is revelatory of a great Law. Indeed, mathematically, a Circle is also a Pentagram, the one reflecting the other, according to whether one considers, the Absolute (the Circle) or the Created (the Pentagram); for a Circle comprises 5 times 72 degrees, the 5 points of this division uniting to form a Pentagram. The Number Five is also the "Key" to understand "the rhythm of Time" or of the Cosmic Cycles.

13) T.N.: The Pentagram must be traced in the circle, one point headed towards the East, facing which are performed the Rituals, the two opposite points or bottom of the Pentagram, being on one side and the other of the West. The Magus, standing in his Circle, and keeping himself in the exact middle of the Pentagram, must see IN FRONT OF HIM, while he faces Eastwards, the Pentagram's upper point.


Page 38, 1e monde mental, astral et physique", "the mental, astral and physical world" 14; "Le Triangle doit &re construit pointe en hauC, "The triangle must be constructed with the point up" 15.

14) T.N.: Not to be forgotten that the physical plane is but the densification of the etheric plane and that Occultism considers that the physical body in which the beings evolve towards consciousness is not a Principle, that is to say that this state of fact does not fall under the Primordial Divine Plan...

15) T.N.: Point Eastwards and base near the Circle.


Page 39, "cet Etre ou cette Puissance ne doit jamais &re plus important que le Triangle lui-m~me", "that Being or that Power must never be more important than the Triangle itself'16.

16) T.N.: The Circle and the triangle, thus put in each other's presence, do create a vibratory whole having two foci: The first is the Circle's Centre, the second, the Centre of the Triangle. The presence of the Magus at the Circle's middle location, gears the Centre's electro-magnetic force down; the Magus attracts (magnetism) and propels (electricity) the Force or Entity evoked; then, by reaction and in order to restore balance, the Triangle's Centre "activates itself' by as much and allows the dense manifestation of the Force or entity; in a word, the Magus provides a part of the electro-magnetism required for the magical operation.


Page 40, "il reproduit la Parcelle Divine incorporée en lui", "he reproduces the Divine Particle incorporated into him" 17.

17) T.N.: That is to say the Three higher Principles of the human being, to wit, in the Oriental terminology: Atman, Buddhi and Buddhi-Manas, also called Individual Higher Triad or simply veritable "Individuality".


Page 44, "ne peuvent apparaître que dans une ambiance rayonnant une pure lumière blanche", "can appear but in an environment radiating a pure white light 18.

18) T.N.: They "appear" but are not the Entity's actual presence for they cannot cross our Solar System's "Ring that one does not cross". They can "project themselves mentally" however, and they do so, in the operator's Spiritual Self or Monad, a Self that transmits the vibration to the higher mental, then to the lower mental and, thanks to the white light, they can shape a form, an image of themselves which the operator then sees projected in the Triangle.


Page 49, "La Lumière spirituelle du Mage", "The spiritual Light of the Magus" 19.

19) T.N.: His own Higher Triad's. For those who use Oriental references, what is involved is Atma linked to Buddhi and to the Higher Manas.


Page 58, "au détriment à la fois du Mage et de la charge de la Baguette", "to the detriment of both the Magus and the Wand's charge"20.

20) T.N.: Because the Wand is intimately linked to the operator's own energy and [since] all that touches the latter is therefore reverberated on his owner. Moreover, the initial charge is quasi -contaminated by another vibration, not belonging in quality and in quantity with the first, which perverts the instrument entirely; it empties it through "vampirism", or it pollutes it.


Page 62, "mais par le Mage lui-m~me", "but by the Magus himself" 21.

21) T.N.: Through the Element composing the triple structure of the Magus (ethericophysical, psychical and mental) and according to the plan or plans of actions wished for.


Page 65, "qui sont impliquées dans notre monde physique", "that are involved in our physical world"22; "Démonologie et qui n'obtiendraient jamais de résultats sans son concours", "Demonology and who would never obtain any results without its help23.

22) T.N.: This is why, among others, Esoteric Tradition asserts that Hell is indeed situated on these planes of existence, the Earth being mainly concerned.

23) T.N.: Demonology: Knowledge of the Art of subduing the demoniacal hierarchies to the Divine Program, in particular with a view to free the dense planes (lower mental or Kama-Manas - "the mental filled with desires" -, lower astral or lower Kama - "the maleficent desire" -, dense etheric plane where wallow larvae, schemes, etc ... ) from their pernicious action and to thus help human beings to leave their sphere of influence.
This practice is reserved to some High Adepts and it must therefore not be confused with sorcery doings which indeed are a "collaboration" with those destructive powers. It is brought into play (in a milder way) in the event of Exorcism.


Page 66, 'Vest qu'une épée mais plus courte", "is but a sword only shorter"24.

24) T.N.: Dagger: A wide and short bladed sword in use from the XVth to the XVIIIth century.


Page 68, "recours A un forgeron", "resort to a blacksmith"25.

25) T.N.: Or to a gunsmith.


Page 69, "un Hexagone", "an Hexagon"26.

26) T.N.: An Hexagone is a figure with points joined outwardly the one to the other by a line, while an hexagram joins those same points following the inner circuit of two intertwined triangles.


Page 71, "Les sorciers", "Sorcerers"27.

27) T.N.: In the usual sense: black magician, but also in the deeper sense: Verily ignorant of the Universe's laws.


Page 74, "son propre sang pour certaines op6rations", 'Ns own blood for certain operations"28.

28) T.N.: See what is said of blood in "Le Chemin de la Véritable Initiation Magique", of the same author, page 40. What is involved is making with blood a "witness", better than hair, some saliva or a simple photograph, to cause the Elemental Hierarchies to work on oneself in order to purify the being's structure and allow a better effulgence of the Akasha which that organic substance (blood) carries excellently.


Page 76, 1e Pentacle de Salornon", "Solomon's Pentacle"29.

29) T.N.: An Hexagram or Six-pointed Star.


Page 78, "veau dont la naissance a 6t6 pr6matur6e", "calf whose birth was premature"30.

30) T.N.: The "blank" parchment is so because it was not scraped multiple times. Parchments used to be scraped so that one could write on them anew, then scraped again, etc... After such a treatment, they were, called "palimpsests", a word whose Greek etymology reveals to us that they were "scraped several times".


Page 85, "une multiplicité de Sphères", "a multiplicity of Spheres"31, "parfaitement mjitriser la sph&e materielle", "master the material sphere perfectly"32.

31) T.N.: The word multiplicity translates a transcending reality well but only few planes are revealed, having regard to the infinitude existing. That Universal Immensity has been called in the East "Sahalokhadatu", the "Chiliocosmos" of the Ancients, that "1000 World Universe".

32) T.N.: Here appears clearly the identity of the etheric and physical plane for the mastery of the material plane is effected by the etheric.



33) T.N.: What is involved is the astral plane linked to the Earth. But the astral plane is of a vaster extent and each Planetary Sphere has a part of itself linked to it; moreover; one generally says A Sphere "surrounding" the Earth. Actually, that Sphere inter-penetrates the Earth even though a certain effulgence into space allows justifying that word.


Page 87, "résider sur la même subdivision du plan astraP" "Reside on the same subdivision of the astral plane"34.

34) T.N.: Franz Bardon is speaking here of the higher subdivisions of the astral plane, those which the relatively developed beings reached, for the lower subdivisions, on the contrary, are rife with coarseness, with violence, and with relentlessness in [yearning to] procure physical sensations, impossible to satisfy ... ; they constitute precisely that inner state experienced as "the Hell" of diverse religions, the, Orient's Avichi.


Page 88, "résulte de l'action de forces extérieures á eux-mémes", "results from the action of forces external to themselves"35; "retourner sur Terre", "to return on Earth"36; "afin depouvoir absorber dans son mental", "in order to be able to absorb in his mental"37; "se voyant trés rapidement r6absorb6 par", "seeing himself very rapidly reabsorbed by"38.

35) T.N.: The reproduction force, the physical body's pleasure instinct, the emotional desire to possess others, the very idea of that necessity to possess, etc ... So many very "densifying" energies which physical nature sends over those in imprisons.

36) T.N.: What is involved is the human cycle or the way which human beings follow, for non human beings, belonging to subtle Spheres, evolve, as to them, under other rules.

37) T.N.: What is involved is the Higher Mental (Buddhi-Manas).

38) T.N.: By the very action of the energies face to face.


Page 89, "A celle de son propre ~tre", "to his own being's"39.

39) T.N.: Through veiling his own light, creating thus a protection for himself and a means of communication with those who reside there without perturbating them by his dazzle.


Page 90, "dans leur propre corps d6pourvu de vie", "into their own body devoid of life"40; 1a Science ne peut encore expliquer", "Science cannot explain yet"41; "que les véhicules supérieurs du décédé", "that the decedent's higher vehicles"42.

40) T.N.: They feed, in fact, their etheric body.

41) T.N.: Such a preservation should not be confused with that which prevails sometimes in the body having belonged, on the contrary, to Saintly beings, and even to Great Beings. In the latter case, the vital energy feeding the corpse has another origin: it is provided by those who come venerate the Saint; without realizing it, those who attend there give their energy themselves, sometimes, account being taken of the extreme purity of the etheric body of the deceased Saint, the latter decides, in agreement with the Divine Will, to let his etheric body feed his physical body, the whole becoming an energetic "battery" - charged by the Saint from the higher planes or by "Devas" (Angels) apt to inundate mankind with a Higher Force, of Recovery, of Blessing, etc...

42) T.N.: That is to say, for this specific, and very peculiar case, the psychical and mental bodies.


Page 91, "constituer le corps psychique d'un autre être vivant, "constituting another living being's psychical body"43.

43) T.N.: That means that the higher Principles (Monad and its Envelope, "Buddhi" as well as High-Mental), which constitute a Being's veritable Individuality, no longer feed the astral body that has become "a corpse" decomposing on that astral plane.


Page 92, "ce qui signifie le Royaume", "which means the Kingdom"44; "des Entités Constructrices et Destructrices", "Constructive and Destructive Entities" "45.

44) T.N.: Or "Sphere of the Elements". That is the genuine Malkhut, for, verily, the density into which we are immersed is situated lower vibratorily than "the density programmed by God" (the genuine Malkhut; that is one of the mysteries of the Fall... Malkhut is the Seventh Sphere - in excluding the Higher Triad and counting from the top, beginning with Jupiter/Chesed - that in which we live with our physical body is the Eight Sphere... that which predisposes to the hellish "state", that which borders Hell ...


Page 93, "d'un Esprit Immortel Individuel", "with an Individual Immortal Spirit"46.

46) T.N.: What is involved is the 7th Principle, the Individual Atman which partakes in Essence and Power of the Universal Atman or Manifested God.


Page 94, "1ors de leur existence terrestre", "during their earthly existence"47.

47) T.N.: Without understanding that those Deities are but Aspects of the Only Deity.


Page 95, "de moindre développement", "with lesser development"48.

48) T.N.: What is involved can also be an individual's Causal Body, his Inner Self, his individual Higher Mental therefore (Buddhi-Manas), that takes a shape. It is "the Inner Master" or "the Guardian Angel".


Page 96, "sans devoir craindre qu'un événement malheureux puisse influencer son libre arbitre", "without having to fear that an unfortunate event could influence his free wi1"49.

49) T.N.: Example of Jesus Who knew very well what punishment was in store for Him and did nothing to elude it. Example of Franz Bardon Himself Who knew very well that the Nazis were to torture him but submitted to the Divine Will ruling the Karma of the physical body which He had assumed.


Page 97, "le plan subtil le plus dense mais qui recèle en même temps la plus Haute Manifestation du Principe Divin", "the densest subtle plane but wherein lies hidden the Divine Principle's Highest Manifestation" 50.

50) T.N.: This is why it is said, Kabbalistically, that "Binah (the Divine Triad's High Expression) is seated on the Throne of Malkhut" (the genuine Malkhut ... ).


Page 105, "perçues par n'importe quel Être spirituel", "perceived by any spiritual Being"51; "alors ce langage métaphorique est immédiatement traduit en une langue que le Mage comprend", "then that metaphoric language is immediately translated in a tongue which the Magus understands"52.

51) T.N.: The sound is a manifestation of the Fire Element. Its astral seat is the Centre of the Throat which is ruled by the Akasha; now, the first expression of the Akasha (also called "the Great Afflatus") is precisely the Fire Element; the sound therefore (Fire) is indeed born of the Throat's Akasha. The fact that an "image" arise forthwith is explained by the action of Fire, which rises, mentalizes itself instantaneously (attracted actually by the mental Fire) and is manifested as image; visualization, the creation, the picking up of images, speech, etc... are all Fire's offsprings.

52) T.N.: It is the mental of the Magus that operated that translation: it provides its content, loosely meant, it is true, for what is involved can be a knowledge confined in him since other lives; this is why, if the Magus does not have in his mental a type of vocabulary or even a series of acquirements, the Entity shall have much difficulty in making itself understood.


Page 108, "par la Science Hermétique", "by Hermetic Science"53.

53) T.N.: That is to say practitioners knowing not perfectly the occult realities. On account of that quasi-ignorance, they can unsuspectingly get in touch with decedents ... or with malefic entities...


Page 111, "de suivre sa conscience", "to follow his conscience"54; "une victime de cette Entité", "a victim of that Entity"55.

54) T.N.: This supposes that in this practitioner, for him to have a conscience telling him to resist, the 6th Principle (Buddhi) is already well budding and radiates through the higher mental. Failing this, if that Principle is in the state of "latency", no awareness of doing "evil" shall intervene. This explains that some serious criminals were able to sleep quietly without even understanding what Society was reproaching them with.

55) T.N.: Above all, from the karmic standpoint, the victim of himself, of his appetites and of his passions which the Entity promised to gratify... by making a contract or pact with it.


Page 112, "en tant que messager sur les plans mental, astral et physique", "as a messenger on the mental, astral and physical planes"56; "et donc beaucoup plus de possibilités d'action qu'elle-même", "and thus many more possibilities of action than itself"57; "le rôle d'un «spiritus familiaris» ou de «factotum»", "the role of a "spiritus familiaris" or of "factotum" "58; "les habitants légitimes de ce bas plan", "that low plane's legitimate , inhabitants"59.

56) T.N.: Etheric, therefore, the decedent remains invisible, although very close.

57) T.N.: It is one-poled, made from a single element.

58) T.N.: The Latin phraseology is kept for it is it that is always used in the manuals of Magic. Spiritus familiaris: familiar, or domestic spirit; factotum, for doing everything".

59) T.N.: That is to say, one-pole negative beings.


Page 114, "transmis à la Sphère subtile concernée", "transmitted to the Subtle Sphere concerned"60; "Des procès de sorcellerie", "Witchcraft trials"61.

60) T.N.: Positive or negative.

61) T.N.: It should not be thought that all the witchcraft trials were thus grounded. Most were used as a release for a horrible sadism made up with religious justificatives! Among others, heresy! Among all those men and above all, those women, who had to undergo that punishment, how many were Initiates, who, while wishing to reveal certain universal realities (Galileo had a lucky escape, but Giordano Bruno and so many others left their ashes there) crossed, through that affliction, an important spiritual stage!


Page 115 "à l'image de Dieu", "to the image of God"62, "n'ont pas besoin d'apprendre les rudiments de la Magie", "do not need to learn the rudiments of Magic"63.

62) T.N.: He loses, in other words, his Higher Principles (Atman-Monad, Buddhi, Buddhi-Manas or Higher Mental) for the link that was uniting them is broken and his lower mental, his psychism and his etheric float, in the form of refuse, melting slowly into a single Element, the archdemon's.

63) T.N.: This does not mean that most Magi did have that cursus, for, in that case, Christ, Franz Bardon and all the Masters of Wisdom would be suspected of having such a past!


Page 116, "comme celui du docteur Faust et d'Urbain Grandier", " such as Doctor Faust's and Urbain Grandier's"64.

64) T.N.: Urbain Grandier (15 90-163 4), reneged, in fact, his pact; atrociously tortured, he was burnt alive.


Page 118, "qu'il est revenu A lui, guéri", "that he came to, cured"65

65) T.N.: That manipulation is fortunately unrelated to the experiences had by certain persons and told about in different works, such as Dr. Raymond Moody's "Life after Life".


Page 123, "qu'à la fin, il assumerait la nature même de l'Entité", "that, in the end, he would assume the Entity's very nature totally"66.

66) T.N.: That is to say, a one-pole nature. The only thing which a Magus can do, in all legitimacy, is a "commitment" - a formula that entails neither a dependency, nor any penalty clauses, nor a an underlying vampirism; that, act can be written or oral, and is addressed to other four-pole, Divine, Beings. The latter are actually Adepts, who guide the Pupil-Magus. It is this kind of very specific moral commitment which unites the Disciple to his Master and more generally a part of Mankind (that remains unaware of it but the commitment is made by everyone's Soul, on higher planes) to the Great White Lodge. This commitment can be made consciously by each human being.


Page 124, "le véritable Mage est en mesure de régner sur n'importe quelle Entité de la Création", "the genuine Magus is able to reign over any Entity within Creation"67.

67 T.N.: During this very long and current Cycle, what is involved is our Solar System.


Page 125, "la Voie du Milieu, le Sentier V6ritable de la perfection", "the Median Way, the Genuine Path of Perfection"68.

68) T.N.: The "Median Pillar" of the kabbalistic Tree, Path of Balance between Rigor and - this in no way means that the Magus Mercy, extreme Magnetism and extreme Electricity. does now good, then evil.


Page 127, "par une magie d'Ankhour", "by an Ankhour Magic"69.

69) T.N.: See what the author says of this type of Magic in his previous work.


Page 141, "un chandelier à sept branches", "a seven-branched candelabrum" 70.

70) T.N.: Each candelabrum represents the polarity of the seven Aspects which each of both the Universal Forces assumes: Seen frontally, that of the left, the passive, magnetic polarity; that of the right, the electrical, active polarity.


Page 145, "dans un morceau de papier buvard un Heptagone", "in a piece of blottingpaper an Heptagon"71.

71) Note of F. Bardon: Under the planetary sphere, the figure to cut out is: - for Saturn, a triangle - for Jupiter, a square - for Mars, a pentagon - for the Sun, an Hexagon - for Venus, an heptagon - for Mercury, an octagon - for the Moon, a nonagon. When the Sphere surrounding the Earth is concerned, or yet other spheres than those that were just named, the figure's shape is a circle.


Page 147, "Celle-ci est chauffée par la flamme", "the latter is heated by the flame"72.

72) T.N.: There exist today rapid ignition mineral coals especially intended to cause plants and frankincense to burn.


Page 148, "mastic", "mastic"73.

73) T.N.: What is involved here is the natural resin extracted from the "Pistacia lentiscus" or Lentiscus [Mastic-tree], also called Chian turpentine, originating from the Mediterranean basin and not the putty [the French word "mastic" can mean putty as well as the resin this note is about, hence this note's advisability in the French edition, for clarity's sake] composed of calcium carbonate and linseed oil used in construction for airtightness work (around panes for example).


Page 161, "Voici le Nom de Huit Entités appartenant à l'Elément FEU", "Here is the Name of Eight Entities belonging to the Element FIRE'74; "Cette instruction vaut pour tous les Sceaux concernant les Entités du Feu", "This instruction is valid for all the Seals concerning the Entities of Fire"75.

74) T.N.: Certain titles were added by the translator in order to harmonize the presentation with the rest of the account.

75) T.N.: The Number Five is involved for linked to the Fifth Planetary Sphere or Cosmic Energy Reservoir: Mars/Geburah, first approach of the Differentiated Fire or Differentiated Cosmic Electricity (the previous being, beyond the Chasm of Light, in Shokmah which condenses the Global Cosmic Electricity at the zodiacal plane).


Page 169, "une capacité de projection", "a projection capacity"76.

76) T.N.: The term "projection" is employed about the use of that powder to the ends of transmutation of base metals (lead, brass, copper, etc ... ) into a precious metal. It is named thus on account of the necessity of "projecting it" within the melting metal, in that case, it is coated with wax in order to avoid its scattering on the surface under the effect of heat.


Page 190, "ce qu'est l'homéopathie d'un point de vue occulte et quelle est l'application des rayons cosmiques à effets chimiques", "what homoeopathy is from an occult standpoint and what is the application of the cosmic rays with chemical effects"77.

77) T.N.: The Cosmic Breath, "the Prana" of the Vedic Doctrines, is differentiated, according to the diverse Planes or Spheres which it impregnates, in types of radiation of a distinct nature. The Sun is an agent of synthesis within our System, but also of redefinition of that set of radiations - 7 radiations -, arrived from the the Universe's confines, and penetrating into our Solar Space. When thus the "Prana" touches, in the shape of a radiation, a Sphere's etheric plane, it provokes there action and reaction phenomena (attraction and electro-magnetic repulsion) of a peculiar nature. Orderings of particles are born of those interactions and produce molecules, which constitute, on that dense plane, the manifestation, of "chemical a nature", of the Initial radiation or Universal Prana. The colour which the radiation takes on the whole of the Solar System's etheric plane is Green. The corresponding musical note is the F.


Page 198, "particulièrement bien connus en OrienC, "particularly well known in the Orient"78.

78) T.N.: Notably in Thibet whence comes this phrase; those messages "are carried by the air" ("rlung gi teng la" in Thibetan).


Page 201, "où se génèrent les Oeuvres de Dieu", "where God's Works are generated"79.

179) T.N.: The Akasha


Page 215, "confisqua les Clés du déplacement dans les airs et garda celles-ci en sûreté jusqu'au jour où l'humanité atteindra la maturité et le degré de développement nécessaires á leur usage", "confiscated the Keys of displacement in the air and kept them securely until the day when mankind shall reach the maturity and the degree of development required for their use." 80

80) T.N.: What is involved is Atlantis, whose last island was sunk in 9564 B.C. The Atlantean Civilization went down following the worst magic which it could be possible to practice on this Earth and all that was liable, in the technics, the sciences, medicine, etc... to help the life of men in matter, was withdrawn. For more than 11,000 years Mankind has been knocking back, in horror and ignorance, this Atlantean karma and the last two world wars, through one of the last rebalancings which they operated, allowed the discoveries and the inventions that have been so amazing us over the last 45 years and which changed everyone's life.


Page 244, "de tout ce qui, dans ce domaine, peut être intéressant", "of all what, in that field, can be interesting"81.

81) T.N.: This does not mean that those beings have a physical body, of the density of the Earthlings'.


Page 251, "j'ai pu ainsi contempler la vie et les oeuvres des Vénusiens", "I thus could behold the life and the works of the Venusians"82; "alors que l'homme terrestre n'est pas encore en mesure [de] quitter la stratosphère", "while terrestrial man is not yet able to leave the stratosphere" 83.

82) T.N.: A "human" phase for the 4th state of consciousness from the mineral (1 st state) but on the other Spheres, that phase is of much higher a degree than ours and the densest body does not have the "materiality" of ours.

83) T.N.: Written in 1956, therefore prior to the Cosmonauts' successful trips beyond the stratosphere.


Page 253, "la Voie de la Sainteté et de perdre ainsi sa personnalité individuelle", "the Way of Holiness and to thus lose one's individual personality" 84.

84) T.N.: A momentary loss for the human being must pursue his evolution from birth to birth until understanding that he must at last take "the Way of Perfection", that which leads to Perfect Adeptness. Moreover, personality and individuality should not be confused. The former is the whole of the bodies woven in the lower planes: concrete, astral and etherico-physical mental; that personality, in time, is dissolved. The latter, Individuality, is each being's Only reality, its 7th, 6th and 5th Principles, the Atinan, Buddhi, Higher Manas. That individuality merges while keeping Self-Awareness into the Universal Consciousness (Alaya). There is therefore no "final annihilation" as lets it be supposed an erroneous construction of the Texts but a merging into Consciousness.


Page 270, "Nom de Dieu construit sur 72 Lettres" , "Name of God built on 72 Letters"85

85) T.N.: Those authors call them "the 72 genii of the Kabbala".


Page 272, "Au delá de ces Sphéres", "Beyond those Spheres"86.

86) T.N.: F. Barden omits voluntarily the Spheres extending outside our solar system and of which the innumerable Galaxies and Constellations prove the existence. See page 317 [of the French 1992 edition] - Chapter 6 - 1 st section of that 1Ind Part where the Adept alludes to those extra-systemic Spheres besides.


Page 296, "aussi sur les autres planétes de notre Univers", "also on the other planets of the Universe"87.

87) T.N.: In etheric and astral forms.


Page 299, "Le Médiateur entre l'homme et Dieu", " The Mediator between man and God"88.

88) T.N.: If, indeed, the theoretical Kabbala specifies that Metatron is "the Archangel of Kether", it turns out nevertheless that the practical Kabbala makes it possible to test well the fact that Kether, beyond the Chasm of Daath, can be picked up but by Tiphereth. Now Metatron has the power of crossing that Chasm; this is why it is also called "the Mediator" to which refer the other great Beings ruling Tiphereth, under a particular cycle: Raphael and Mikhael.


Page 303, "sur toutes les Sphéres et planétes de notre Systéme", "over all the Spheres and planets of our Systern"89; 'Taction de cette Intelligence", "that Intelligence's action"90.

89) Note of F. Bardon. The Magus knows that Time and Space prevail only where exist physical bodies and material objects, whether those creatures be dead or living mattering little. Inversely, any Sphere, from the Earth's astral to our System's vibratorily highest subtle Spheres, are not subjected to Space and to Time.

90) T.N.: In a water having therefore another aspect, much less dense, than terrestrial water; a water that becomes magnetic power with multiple degrees of densification equally.


Page 304, "avec la Connaissance, l'Amour et la Sagesse, la Volonté et le Pouvoir", "with Knowledge, Love and Wisdom, Will and Power"91.

9) T.N.: These are the three Great Universal Rays: 1) Will/Power - 2) Love/Wisdom - 3) Intelligence/Knowledge (see the Teachings of the Master DK. through A.Bailey).


Page 305, "Un Régent gouverne chaque décan de chacun des 12 signes zodiacaux", "A Regent governs each decan of each of the 12 zodiacal signs"92.

92) T.N.: Shown thusly out of a concern for a better clarity.


Page 312, "1e contact avec ces entités n'a pas de valeur pratique", "contact with those entities is devoid of practical value"93.

93) T.N.: See next note.


Page 313, "avec les 49 Grandes Intelligences", "with the 49 Great Intelligences "94.

94) T.N.: This explains why, through a Magic of Ankhour, it is possible to work with that Saturnian Vibration in order for it to purify the immediate surroundings; the Hexagram of Return or of Call of Saturn, known in the Temples of Egypt, then by the Pythagorean, Platonic and Neo-Platonic Schools, is a part of that liberating Magic of Ankhour. To work thus does therefore not mean to evoke that Sphere's Intelligences.


Page 316, "A un tel Initié, je ne puis offrir davantage", "to such an Initiate, 1 cannot offer more"95; "Second Jour de Brahma, le prochain Cycle de 1'Évolution", "Second Day of Brahma, Evolution's next cycle"96.

95) T.N.: It should be well realized that Franz Bardon describes here a Way that can be of a duration of hundreds or even of thousands of years, corresponding in fact to that which Mankind takes slowly in its Evolution Cycles. The Initiate shortens, it is true, the time. required, but the latter remains consequent. That is why one must not believe that Perfect Adeptship is acquired within a lifetime, unless one is, as Milarepa was, already on "the brink of the Chasm of Ligh". The state here described is that which the Orient names a "Nirmanakaya", of a Perfect Adept who keeps however the dense vehicles (no astral body which he destroyed forever) - to help Mankind and approach it at will.

96) T.N.: What is involved is the 5th round. A Day of Brahma has a duration of 4 milliard 320 million [stated in English; it becomes, in American: 4 billion 320 million] human years; it is also called a "Manvantara". Each Day of Brahma includes 4 great Cycles of which the last is the Iron Cycle (the Kali Yuga) which has a duration of 432,000 years. For further information, see "la Doctrine Secrète", of H.P. Blavatsky.


Page 317, "tout à fait différentes de celles qui prévalent dans notre Système", "quite different from those which prevail in our System"97.

97) T.N.: Different as to the Manifestation in each of those Worlds, Galaxies, etc... but not as to the Essence That is One throughout Creation and if is that unity which makes it possible to say that a Single Law, a Single God governs All.


Page 319, "celui que l'Hermétisme lui attribue, est connu de peu de personnes", "that which Hermetism attributes to it, is known to few people"98.

98) T.N.: Because the link uniting the whole of the subtle bodies becomes almost "electrocuted", damaged, and the real Individuality (Atma, Buddhi, Higher Manas) which is God in each of us, loses momentarily that dense evolution support that the three lower bodies are. That is the actual "catatrophe",


Page 322, "1e lien mental", "the mental link"99.

99) T.N.: Uniting the mental body to the astral body.


Page 328, "soit dans le Cercle, soit devant lui", "either in the Circle or before it"100; "garder secrètes certaines choses, etc... ", "to keep certain things secret, etc... " 101.

100) T.N.: One can put it in the Evocation Triangle, where the Entity must manifest itself.

101) T.N.: Beware! One must be sure and certain that it is the selected Intelligence that is reached... and not an invisible joker, of rather negative a nature, from the astral, who gives those orders for in that case, the words and rites delivered would have for aim but the operator's subjection, and unknown top the latter, a quasi pact would be created thus. Indeed, F. Barden does not reveal any "Magic of Ankhour" enabling a practitioner to plug himself into Divine Forces; The Latter, called earlier, shall not cause the Evocation Ritual to succeed is one is not "ready", that is to say purified: Nothing shall happen then and a good thing it is.


Page 3 3 2, "assidfûment d'atteindre la Perfection", "assiduously to reach Perfection" 102.

102) T.N.: It must not be forgotten that we are governed currently by the 7th Ray (see Teaching of the Master Jawal Kool), Ray "of Ceremonial Magic" that entails, among all its manifestations, the divulgation of Hermetic Knowledge and Practice of the latter, which constitutes the rapid Therapy of all our ills. The centuries to come shall therefore see that diffusion and the mentalities, today still closed to that Science, shall understand the value of all that was lost by Mankind and which is on the way of being recovered.


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