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The Magic of IHVH-ADNI

LESSON TWO:  Three-Part Magical Speech

© 2002 By Rawn Clark

Hello.  This is Rawn Clark.  You are listening to Lesson Two in the Magic of IHVH-ADNI.

Lesson One concerned the proper pronunciation, tonality and rhythm.  Now we will focus upon how to speak the canticle.  This is a different matter than how to pronounce it.

The Magic of IHVH-ADNI employs a form of magical utterance.  There are three levels to this manner of speaking.  First is mental speech, second is astral speech and third is physical speech.

Mental speech is inaudible or silent.  Here you "speak" it only with your mind -- no breath and no vocalization.  When you speak the canticle mentally, you must also hold the canticle's meaning in your mind.  This is not just about hearing the words in your mind, it's also meant to be a matter of simultaneously thinking its meaning.  In other words, it's important that you bring your understanding of the canticle's words into your mental utterance.

Let's try this now.  As I speak the canticle aloud, you should do so only in your mind, but make what's in your mind sound mentally like my utterance.

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.

And again:

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.

And a final time:

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.

Very well.

The second form of magical speech is the astral.  Astral speech involves combining the silent mental speech with breath.  In fact, it's astra-mental speech, not mere whispering as some maintain.  With the astra-mental speech there is to be absolutely no vibration of the vocal chords.

Here is what it sounds like with breath and mind alone:

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.  [Whisper]

Now try saying astra-mentally along with me:

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.  [Whisper]

Let's do that one more time, but this time be sure you're saying it mentally as well as with your breath:

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.  [Whisper]

Now, let me add a new factor into the mix with the astra-mental speech.  "Breath", in Kabbala, has a special meaning beyond just atmosphere that you inhale and exhale.  Its deeper meaning is "the breath of life", the "Ruach".  In magical speech, "breath" refers to emotion -- the astral substance that binds mind and physical matter together.  So, when using your breath for magical speech, you are combining your emotional sense of the canticle with your mental understanding of it.  You are combining your inner passion with your rational understanding and expressing them in unison.

So, let's try it one more time in astra-mental mode, this time focusing on your mental understanding of the canticle, adding in your emotional passion and expressing both with your physical breath.

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.  [Whisper]

This brings us to the third form of magical speech, the physical.  Here is where the canticle is made physically manifest through simultaneous vibration of the vocal chords.  But here again, it's not just a matter of mundane speech.  This is physical-astra-mental speech -- the combining of mental understanding, emotional passion and physical vibration.  All three must occur simultaneously.  Your understanding and your emotional passion must manifest and be audible as your breath passes over your vocal chords and sets them vibrating.

The theory here is that all things vibrate and when one vibrating thing intersects another vibrating thing, they each change their vibration accordingly.  When you say the canticle with the physical-astra-mental speech, you are projecting the specific astra-mental vibration of the canticle outward (or inward) and physically impregnating the universe with it.  This is what causes the universe to change in response to your speech.

To be truly effective, you must totally commit yourself to speaking the canticle.  Put every bit of yourself into it.  Let it flow through you of its own accord.  In other words, don't be shy.

So, let's try the physical-astra-mental speech, but let's build up to it.

We will begin with the silent mental speech.  I will speak the canticle aloud but you should speak it only with your mind and understanding along with me.

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.

Now let's add the factor of emotional passion and express it astra-mentally.

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.  [Whisper]

And now, let's give our vocal chords a good flexing and say it with our whole being, including every cell of our physical bodies.

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.

And again.

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.

And again.

Ani, IHVH, ADNI, Ribonno Shel Olam, Amen.

Very well!

This ends Lesson Two.  I suggest that you practice these three modes of magical speech until they become second nature.  Only then should you move on to Lesson Three and begin learning the energetics that accompany the canticle.

This has been Rawn Clark.   My best to you!

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