The Use of TMO in Character Transformation
© 2003
>> When I read on ABC the format for healing another I thought "Wouldn't this be great for SOUL MIRROR work!!" just an idea in case no one else thought of it, or has and didn't want to share ;). Anywho hope that turns on a light bulb or two. <<
Do you mean that in terms of one person using the technique to aid another with their transformation of a specific soul mirror issue? For personal work with one's own soul mirror issues, the techniques from the previous Lesson Seven (Setting the Tone of the Temporal Moment) are most effective.
My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
06 Aug 2003
>> I guess i should have explained that better :P. The idea came after I read TMO 9 for healing. It was in the order of "If you are able to heal another, why not "heal" aspects of the personality as in Soul mirror. Not specifically with lesson 9, but with TMO in general. In essence I had the idea that by "healing" the negative and filling it with the power of divinity it changes into something positive. <<
The personal practice of TMO itself has this effect as it integrates the higher energies into the practitioner's denser bodies. And, as I hinted in my previous note, the technique of "Setting the Tone" (Lesson Seven) can easily and advantageously be applied to the soul mirror work of character transformation. For example, you could set the tone for success with item #43 by creating a connection between your present self and that future moment in which item #43 IS transformed.
The Lesson Eight healing technique and, most especially, the Lesson Nine Blessing, can both be employed to *aid* another in the transformation of their own soul mirror issues.
My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
06 Aug 2003