The Magic of IHVH-ADNI :
A Personal Experience Shared
© 2003
For some time now, I've been working closely with one of my Companions as he learns The Magic of IHVH-ADNI (TMO) from the recorded Lessons. Recently he wrote to me with a beautiful and detailed description of his own personal experience of TMO. I was so impressed with how clearly he articulated his experience and also, by the quality and depth of the experience he was describing, that I asked his permission to share it here for the benefit of others. He happily consented, so here follows his personal description of his experience of TMO, having completed Lesson Three of the audio series, and then my own comments (which he asked for).
I think the best is to start at the beginning and do an overview of what I'm understanding while doing the TMO. I'll describe it in a simple way, so I'll shorten some aspects that are evident to the practice.
First I'm standing up, still, feet joined and arms along my body, hands opened, palms turned in front of me. I'm relaxing for a few second, cleaning my mind of everything.
Then, as you taught me, as I vibrate the "Ani" I visualise and feel the Sphere of Kether just above my head. It does manifest by a vibration in the crown chakra area. As I vibrate this first part of the canticle, I do realise that I'm making the Aïn of the Aïn Soph Aur getting into the process of manifestation through the affirmation of the "Ani". To my understanding this is not manifestation yet, but only the Divine volition of doing so. Even the next step, the Chèm HaVaYaH, is still part of the unmanifested, this is the transcendent aspect of the Divine, and this is the closest a human being (incarnate ?) will ever get to the unmanifested, through the Name. The manifested aspect of the divine (the immanent aspect of God) comes with Elohim, and I do associate this aspect to Adonaï in the canticle.
Then I vibrate the Chèm HaVaYaH while visualising the descent of the energy through the spheres of Hochmah, Binah, Tiphereth and Malkuth. I notice on the audio lesson that you were vibrating it pretty much like a kabalistic utterance, something sharp and powerful. Since the four letters Name is pronounce entirely in the same high key, like four waves of a single continual vibration and not four separates sounds, it underlay to me the idea of the Divine Unity. This pronunciation in itself is like a tiqoun to me, a reparation of the Divine Name that has been deteriorate after the Fall, after the Adamic choice for the path of experience. When Adam has "faulted", he has deteriorate the last letter of the Chèm HaVaYaH, the He, related to the world of Assiah, our world of action (only from human and not Divine perspective). So, to me, while I'm vibrating this Name on the same key, in the same breath, each letter united with the others as a single All, I'm participating in this reparation, I'm manifesting this Divine Unity in our world, into myself, and I'm Uniting the spheres of the manifestation process inside of me. In other words, I'm becoming One and by doing so, all my vehicles, my entire structure is uniting in that single vibration of the Chèm HaVaYaH and I'm getting tune to this reality.
With the vibration of Adonaï comes a second descent of the Energy, not necessarily as a distinct, separate movement, but I think I understand it more like the same movement but seen from another perspective, like the snap of a second camera. This time, for me, it is the manifestation as we human understand it, like a play in two simultaneous parts, this one being the one attributed to humanity. Anyway, it does translate in my practice as if the "Aaahh" was coming from the bottom of the ages, this is the descending movement of the Chèm HaVaYaH filling something inside of me that I couldn't explain because at the same time it's nowhere and everywhere, it is not restraint to the paths and spheres by which the light is processing. It's like if it was never going to stop, like if that was always increasing in power, a vibration, a sound, I don't know how to explain. And then the "don", like a furtive spark, makes this incredible accumulation explodes into a single ascending movement, the "aaï", starting from Malkuth. This time I do feel and visualise the cloud of "Rainbow Light" swirling in a clockwise movement, not following the initial path as it ascends, but irrigating my entire structure, every single part of my body, every cell, everything inside of me. I'm becoming this energy except that my periphery is the limit that separates this inner perception of the Unity from the universal manifestation of it.
With "Ribbono" (highest key) "Chèl" (lowest key) are present the two polarisation of the manifestation, Creator and created, finding it's balance in the mediation of the "Olam's" middle tone. With "Ribbono" I got an impression of something high, vast, so when I get to "Chèl" I feel a kind of lowering, some sort of contraction before the blooming of the "Olam". With "Olam", gone is the peripheral limit that is separating my experience of the inner balance and Unity from the Universal All, now I'm participating of One by limitlessly expending my conscience toward an edge that isn't. In other words a limitation that I couldn't understand as being me. By doing so, I'm imagining myself getting tune to the universal perfect equilibrium, getting tune to the Unity by being it.
Finally, the "Amen" phase becomes the integration of this harmony and plenitude I tuned with, into my incarnated self. For me the am of "Olam" has always been linked to the am of "Amen", like they were two part of a same vibration, uniting together like a "Aum". Even if this link is not expressed vocally, it remain underlying inwardly (as I feel it). The "A" initiate the attractive movement of reintegrating my state of incarnated creature. Since the "men" complete the second part of the exhalation, the following inhale tend to act like an incredible vacuum, a magnet absorbing into myself, through every part of my body like with pore breathing, this equilibrium that I've been experiencing with the plenitude of the "Olam". It penetrates to the core of my being and settle into each atom of my body. After what, I feel an incredible well being that I radiate evenly through myself as I charge, into it, my will of equilibrating my Fluids, my Elements, all the energies inside of me, etc…
Well I think that is the thing. Am I thinking about all this while I'm doing it ? Absolutely not, it's like if I was conscious of most of it during the process without expressing it intellectually, but rather by some kind of fate or feeling, it's hard to tell. Sometimes I think I'm doing good, sometimes I'm not :0) It really depends of many factor, but I think I'm getting better with time. One way or another, I always feel absolutely equilibrated after doing it this way. Most of the time I'll take an âsana and spend a few minutes to savour this wonderful feeling. When I think I'm doing good, I feel something like if every part of the canticle was linked with the others by something really subtle, like if all the words were only one single word / vibration, then I know I succeeded somehow.
I know this is not exactly the way you taught it, but this is some kind of an application that came to me spontaneously. I'm always doing it in opening and closing of any other ritual, and I notice that I was way more stable in my everyday life, and that I wasn't carrying around elemental misbalance as it happened quite often before.
Anyway feel free to correct me if my approach of your teachings sounds kind of wrong or if you see a problem somewhere. I keep working toward the goal naturally aimed by the TMO, but I use this approach as an alternate method. I would appreciate really really greatly if could let me know what you think about this. I hope my words haven't been too wrong in expressing myself, but I most admit that was difficult in the language of Shakespeare.
Wow! I can't thank you enough for sending this to me!
>> I know this is not exactly the way you taught it, but this is some kind of an application that came to me spontaneously. <<
Oh but this IS the way I taught it! And you've described it so eloquently! Thank you! :) It pleases me VERY deeply to see evidence of folks actually understanding the depth of TMO and your description is a shining example of this.
Which Lesson are you currently working with? Have you worked with the final Lesson yet? The reason I ask is because what you've described would fall under what's covered in the final Lesson, vis a vis, consciousness raising. Or rather, the navigation of and integration of, the levels of consciousness.
Since you've asked me too, I'd like to share a few of my thoughts about what you've so beautifully written.
>> First I'm standing up, still, feet joined and arms along my body, hands opened, palms turned in front of me. I'm relaxing for a few second, cleaning my mind of everything. Then, as you taught me, as I vibrate the "Ani" I visualise and feel the Sphere of Kether just above my head. It does manifest by a vibration in the crown chakra area. As I vibrate this first part of the canticle, I do realise that I'm making the Aïn of the Aïn Soph Aur getting into the process of manifestation through the affirmation of the "Ani". To my understanding this is not manifestation yet, but only the Divine volition of doing so. <<
It is both the manifest and the volition to manifest. This Divine Volition is such that it *includes* its goal, simultaneous with the Will to realize that goal. The 'Ani' experiences The Whole and is separate from no part of it. The 'Ani' is That Which Is Immanent. With Kether, you don't "stand above" or "apart" from the Creation -- You ARE the Creation *and* Creator. You are Creating YourSelf.
To the sequential consciousness, the perspective seems very much like being at the head of a body. You 'see' the Creation 'below' your vantage point, and within those depths you 'see' the incarnate person-self who is speaking the 'Ani'. You see the thread of consciousness that connects that person-self to their Individual and Greater Selves. And simultaneously, you ARE that person, Individual and Greater, calling to YourSelf.
Speaking the 'Ani' represents the action of an infinite expansion of self-awareness. Self expands to encompass The All . . . no, better yet . . . to *become* The All.
>> Then I vibrate the Chèm HaVaYaH while visualising the descent of the energy through the spheres of Hochmah, Binah, Tiphereth and Malkuth.<<
In Lesson Six, this is a descent of *consciousness* or self-awareness. It's as if the 'Ani' is drawn down into that person-self who spoke the 'Ani'. The 'Ani', or Kethric Awareness, focuses itself into Chokmah and makes the choice which leads to the Greater Self of that person-self, residing in Binah. In Binah, It fills the Greater Self and 'looks around', so to speak, fully experiencing the Binah perspective. Then it looks 'downward', following the thread of consciousness down to the Individual Self of the person-self who spoke the 'Ani'. In Tiphareth, It again 'looks around' and fills the Individual Self completely. By "fills" I mean that the 'Ani' is now conscious *primarily* of ItSelf as 'Ani', ItSelf as Greater Self, and ItSelf as Individual Self. And finally, with the 'Heh-final', the 'Ani' descends into the person-self that first spoke the 'Ani'. Likewise there is a filling of the person-self with the 'Ani', the Greater and the Individual awareness'.
It IS the *process* of Creation.
>> I notice on the audio lesson that you were vibrating it pretty much like a kabalistic utterance, something sharp and powerful. Since the four letters Name is pronounce entirely in the same high key, like four waves of a single continual vibration and not four separates sounds, it underlay to me the idea of the Divine Unity. <<
Yes! :)
>> This pronunciation in itself is like a tiqoun to me, a reparation of the Divine Name that has been deteriorate after the Fall, after the Adamic choice for the path of experience. When Adam has "faulted", he has deteriorate the last letter of the Chèm HaVaYaH, the He, related to the world of Assiah, our world of action (only from human and not Divine perspective). So, to me, while I'm vibrating this Name on the same key, in the same breath, each letter united with the others as a single All, I'm participating in this reparation, I'm manifesting this Divine Unity in our world, into myself, and I'm Uniting the spheres of the manifestation process inside of me. In other words, I'm becoming One and by doing so, all my vehicles, my entire structure is uniting in that single vibration of the Chèm HaVaYaH and I'm getting tune to this reality. <<
Exactly! :) :) :) The Magic of IHVH-ADNI is a tikkun. It helps to heal the fabric of the Creation within the temporal moment (which is the only 'place' where it's been rent). It creates Harmony by unifying the layers of Self. It 'completes the circuit', so to speak.
>> With the vibration of Adonaï comes a second descent of the Energy, not necessarily as a distinct, separate movement, but I think I understand it more like the same movement but seen from another perspective, like the snap of a second camera. This time, for me, it is the manifestation as we human understand it, like a play in two simultaneous parts, this one being the one attributed to humanity.<<
Once the 'Ani' has descended all the way 'down' into the person-self with the completion of the utterance of the Heh-final, the circuit is complete. With the inhale that follows, the 'Ani' collects itself, so to speak, and reflects upon the multi-layered Awareness that is ItSelf in that temporal moment. In a sense, it's a time for the sequential levels of awareness to catch up by taking sequential notice of each of the layers involved.
This grounds the 'Ani' firmly within the person-self *and within the temporal moment*. THIS is what generates the eruption of 'Adonai!". The cloud of Rainbow-Hued Light is the *natural consequence* of this specific Tikkun. When a person-self *consciously* reaches 'up' to the 'Ani" and *consciously* draws it down all the way into the temporal moment, this Rainbow-Hued Light erupts. This is why the rainbow is said to be a "sign of the covenant" . . . [The covenant, essentially, is the fact that when we *consciously* perform this Tikkun of *consciously* uniting the layers of awareness (i.e., when we consciously integrate the eternal into the temporal moment), we CAN accomplish it and CAN attain this gnosis. ;-) In the religious context, this is symbolized as an "agreement" or "covenant" made between G-d and Man. In truth, it's simply the way Blessed things work.]
>> Anyway, it does translate in my practice as if the "Aaahh" was coming from the bottom of the ages, this is the descending movement of the Chèm HaVaYaH filling something inside of me that I couldn't explain because at the same time it's nowhere and everywhere, it is not restraint to the paths and spheres by which the light is processing. It's like if it was never going to stop, like if that was always increasing in power, a vibration, a sound, I don't know how to explain. <<
Aleph is the Air with its boundlessness. This is the beginning of the manifestation of the Natural Force of the Rainbow-Hued Light. It arises *only when there are no constraints or impediments*, thus it is an Unstoppable Force.
>> And then the "don", like a furtive spark, makes this incredible accumulation explodes into a single ascending movement, the "aaï", starting from Malkuth. <<
The 'don' is Fiery and ignites the Air explosively as the full force of this Natural Force manifests itself. The 'aai' settles it into concrete manifestation as a cloud of Rainbow-Hued Light.
The main thing to remember is that the 'Adonai" is a *result of* the descent of 'IHVH'. It's not a separate thing; rather, it's an integral part.
>> This time I do feel and visualise the cloud of "Rainbow Light" swirling in a clockwise movement, not following the initial path as it ascends, but irrigating my entire structure, every single part of my body, every cell, everything inside of me. I'm becoming this energy except that my periphery is the limit that separates this inner perception of the Unity from the universal manifestation of it. <<
If at that moment, you will also become aware of your Individual, Greater and 'Ani' levels of Self, you will, in effect, be simultaneously sending the Rainbow-Hued Light to your *Whole* Self. In other words, re-unite all the layers of your Self while you're irrigating your body. Thereby, you will be irrigating ALL of your bodies simultaneously. This is far more powerful.
>> With "Ribbono" (highest key) "Chèl" (lowest key) are present the two polarisation of the manifestation, Creator and created, finding it's balance in the mediation of the "Olam's" middle tone. With "Ribbono" I got an impression of something high, vast, so when I get to "Chèl" I feel a kind of lowering, some sort of contraction before the blooming of the "Olam". With "Olam", gone is the peripheral limit that is separating my experience of the inner balance and Unity from the Universal All, now I'm participating of One by limitlessly expending my conscience toward an edge that isn't. In other words a limitation that I couldn't understand as being me. By doing so, I'm imagining myself getting tune to the universal perfect equilibrium, getting tune to the Unity by being it. <<
Wow! That was Beautiful! :)
>> Finally, the "Amen" phase becomes the integration of this harmony and plenitude I tuned with, into my incarnated self. For me the am of "Olam" has always been linked to the am of "Amen", like they were two part of a same vibration, uniting together like a "Aum". <<
They are related like inhale and exhale -- both of one breath.
>> Even if this link is not expressed vocally, it remain underlying inwardly (as I feel it). The "A" initiate the attractive movement of reintegrating my state of incarnated creature. Since the "men" complete the second part of the exhalation, the following inhale tend to act like an incredible vacuum, a magnet absorbing into myself, through every part of my body like with pore breathing, this equilibrium that I've been experiencing with the plenitude of the "Olam". It penetrates to the core of my being and settle into each atom of my body. After what, I feel an incredible well being that I radiate evenly through myself as I charge, into it, my will of equilibrating my Fluids, my Elements, all the energies inside of me, etc. <<
Excellent!!! :)
If, at the moment where the 'A' initiates the attractive movement, you tie that to the awareness of Kether, you will see that it is the person-self, acting as magnet, drawing the Blessed Rainbow-Hued Light of the Covenant, back into itself. From Kether, it is easy to follow that magnetic pull *consciously*. Descend *with* it through Chokmah, Binah, Tiphareth and into Malkuth. Follow it willingly, willfully and joyously. And when the tongue strikes the roof of your mouth with the closing 'n', you are completely within your person-self.
>> Well I think that is the thing. Am I thinking about all this while I' m doing it ? Absolutely not, it's like if I was conscious of most of it during the process without expressing it intellectually, but rather by some kind of fate or feeling, it's hard to tell. <<
This is how an integrated conscious awareness functions. In other words, when you *consciously* unite these layers of your awareness into the temporal moment, a more comprehensive form of conscious awareness emerges within that temporal moment. This unified consciousness has many attributes that are different than the mundane awareness. One of those attributes is the ability to remain aware of all its layers simultaneously and to quickly migrate primary focus among them. It can 'zoom in' or 'zoom out' as it pleases. In this unified state, the layers of awareness that are usually only dimly perceived, intermingle; and higher levels of mentation and perception, penetrate directly into the level of the sequential, mundane awareness.
>> Sometimes I think I'm doing good, sometimes I'm not :0) It really depends of many factor, but I think I'm getting better with time. <<
In *my* opinion, dear friend, you're doing wonderfully with it! That's easy for me to say because I have the perspective of knowing TMO inside and out, _PLUS_ I have the pleasure of corresponding with several folks about their TMO practice. :)
>> One way or another, I always feel absolutely equilibrated after doing it this way. Most of the time I'll take an âsana and spend a few minutes to savour this wonderful feeling. When I think I'm doing good, I feel something like if every part of the canticle was linked with the others by something really subtle, like if all the words were only one single word / vibration, then I know I succeeded somehow. <<
Beautiful! :)
>> I'm always doing it in opening and closing of any other ritual, <<
I've gotten to the point where all of my important ritual workings are focused around TMO. It's become sort of like the fabled Swiss Knife with a thousand-and-one uses. ;-)
>> and I notice that I was way more stable in my everyday life, and that I wasn't carrying around elemental misbalance as it happened quite often before. <<
Wonderful! :) :) :)
My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
13 May 2003
>> I'm only at lesson III. <<
;-) But you have intuited much of Lesson Six already!
> To the sequential consciousness, the perspective seems very much like
> being at the head of a body. You 'see' the Creation 'below' your
> vantage point, and within those depths you 'see' the incarnate
> person-self who is speaking the 'Ani'. You see the thread of
> consciousness that connects that person-self to their Individual and
> Greater Selves. And simultaneously, you ARE that person, Individual and
> Greater, calling to YourSelf.
> Speaking the 'Ani' represents the action of an infinite expansion of
> self-awareness. Self expands to encompass The All . . . no, better yet
> . . . to *become* The All.
>> Ok, here's my first question (I hope the answer is not in the other lessons) : When you use "see" do you mean "visualise" or "perceive" ? I mean is it something like an "autoscopy" where you are seeing yourself, or is it the perception of another degree of your consciousness ? In other words should I aim to get conscious of this above perspective or integrate it by seeing myself from another, more "spiritually elevate" point of view ? Maybe I would already know the answer if I was a few Step later, but for now … <<
'Magical visualization' and the 'perception of fact' are really just a hair's breadth away from each other. Ultimately, I was describing a 'perception', but reaching that perception begins with magical visualization. In Lesson Six, I suggest that the practitioner begin by consciously 'visualizing' these things. With time and repeated practice, this will lead to 'perception'.
My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
16 May 2003